Solved: The Purpose of the Minmatar People

Mr. Nauplius, do you seriously think someone as whim-driven as Ms. Tsukiyo has the focus for serious occult study? She likes messing around with stuff that would make most people cringe-- Sansha tech, the Triglavians, in your case what I’ll delicately call “ritual magic”-- but she never commits, never sticks with any of it.

Like me, she sees wonder all around. Unlike me, she finds no actual value or significance in any of it. She’s a dabbler. In everything. She likes messing with stuff she doesn’t understand to see what will happen. That’s what she did with you. She said some significant-sounding words and did some significant-seeming things and suggested to you that something would change, all to see what would happen.

What you’re doing, right now, is exactly what the curse would have you doing if still present full-force: relying on your own impressions rather than Imperial authority, letting your ego twist your faith into something … horrid.

Probably Ms. Tsukiyo’s enjoying it immensely, if she’s still paying attention at all.

Ouch, I felt that all the way over here.

Clearly I’m missing some context here?

Nothing worth caring about.

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Some time ago, a viral video appeared that appeared to show Aria Jenneth engaging in an “Achuran mystical cursing ritual”, targeted at Nauplius, which was purportedly why Nauplius did a whole bunch of things. Much later, Morgana Tsuikyo, performed a “decursing” thing, that supposedly undid the curse.

The whole thing is as dumb as that sounds. Which is why Arrendis is pretty accurate here:

If that is so, how comes demons didn’t come at her right after that decision?
If that is so, how comes demons didn’t come yet at Her Majesty Empress Catiz Tash-Murkon? After all, she didn’t invalidate that decree.

But what about Honors and Grace, isn’t it generational too? After all, if a commoner will ascend to a position of a holder, his children would be holders as well, right? Just as if you were enslaved, your children will be slaves. If I am not mistaken, I believe that your society acts in this way.

Why wouldn’t you Honor those minmatars who have chosen Faith?

And, I am not really good opponent in theological debates, as I know little to nothing. On the other hand, I certainly know a lot about biology (at least from school lessons), could you be so kind to answer on my first question in regard of procreation, please?


If Empress Catiz had been more orthodox, perhaps there would not have been a Triglavian invasion.

Minmatar who have accept the Faith are entitled to a little respect. Their Faith won’t keep them out of slavery or Hell, though; at best, their Faith will make slavery and Hell somewhat more tolerable for them, because they will appreciate why they suffer so.

I shall have to research the matter of Amarr-Minmatar chimeras and such further. I don’t understand science stuff.

Idiots. Absolute idiots. :woman_facepalming:


It’s amusing how trolls like that are jumping into conversations just to insult people they disagree with, while being unable to bring up any substantial objections.

So, what do they prove calling people idiots like that, other than their own idiocy?

I wish someday IGS will be finally free from these disgraceful nuisances.

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But the same Triglavian invasion hit not only the Empire, but the Republic itself. They hit even us, and we have no connection to Empress decisions or Minmatar problem whatsoever!

Isn’t it discouraging for people to get into Faith then? I had an impression that a slavery is a way of teaching people servitude to Man before they can serve God.

In that case may I recommend you to retract your previous statement where you made a difference between hybrids from different parents? I really find it offensive and in discrepancy with reality.

If the Minmatar prefer false but flattering religions to the harsh, true Faith, that is their problem, not ours.

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Mr. Nauplius, please excuse me, I know little to nothing about Minmatar religions, the Republic is just our enemies like they are yours. I am only interested in your Faith, because the Empire is our Honorable ally.

However, I’d like to point out that I was bringing into question exactly those Minmatars who have preferred, as you have mentioned it, true Faith, instead of their “false but flattering religions”.

Reading an ill tasted Gorean fanfic? Nope.

However, it is his feet doing the walking. There are many different places he may still go to.

Therefore the Master
acts without doing anything
and teaches without saying anything.
Things arise and she lets them come;
things disappear and she lets them go.
She has but doesn’t possess,
acts but doesn’t expect.
When her work is done, she forgets it.
That is why it lasts forever.

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This would be a little more persuasive if you’d said it someplace that didn’t involve looking back in on a work you’ve seemingly failed to forget, Ms. Tsukiyo.

Anyone can claim to be a Master, just as anyone can quote wisdom. Demonstrating wisdom, or Mastery? That’s harder.

My name was repeated a few times and i showed up, like one of those legends.


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Wait, does that make me a “Master”? Cause I forget a lot of ■■■■.

Whatever Gorean fanfic may be, it nonetheless seems Mistress Morgana is displeased with my works. Troubling.

While i understand your path, it does not mean i take joy from it Nauplius.

It is what it is.

I have my personal preferences regarding consent, what you wrote under the guise of “wisdom” is a projection unto others rather than a look within.

I will not enter the discussion of the Theology that supports this or that view, what i do point out is for you to look to your heart first, rather than outside.

Remember what is like to feel what others are feeling and what you would like to do with that feeling, and how to treat others while feeling it. The difference between the ocean under the stars, the cold cave and the hot battlefield.

A finger is there to help, not to be worshiped.

What i think or do not think is completely irrelevant my dear, you are your own compass.

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It looks like you dont like women to choose, instead you would want to choose for them. Stop treating Amarrian women as incubators for zealots. Accept that sex exists also for fun, not only for procreation.

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There’s a few words in this post that I suspect Mr. Nauplius may have trouble understanding, such as:
“Choose,” “sex,” and “fun.”