Some new ideas

all the information came from a very simple z-kill and eve-who search. it was patently obvious for anyone who cared to look.

your tacit admission wasn’t needed to connect the dots. although, i will give you credit for not attempting to deny it.

What made you decide to look it up and share it?

mostly boredom.

Why not confront actual bad people when you are bored next time

and I think you’re a troll.

this is my forum main, i confront people blathering on forums.

my definition of ‘bad people’ includes those who post utterly inane ideas and then keep blathering on about their inane ideas after multiple people have pointed out how inane the idea is. when they deliberately resurrect a locked thread inside another thread, to continue their inane blathering, that moves them up on the Mephy Bad Person Scale™.


We’re pretty far off the original intent of this topic. Closed.

1. Specifically restricted conduct.

The purpose of the EVE Online forums is to provide a platform for exchange of ideas, and a venue for the discussion of EVE Online. Occasionally there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Forum users are expected to courteous when disagreeing with others.

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