Some thoughts on dealing with hi-sec Triglavian recons squads

TLDR details of the rats.
Before using them please check them.

rat min DPS max DPS (36s spoolup) RR effect
recon damavik 92.5 111.2 3.33 hp/s
starving 28.2 47.2 3.33 hp/s 2.5GJ/s
blinding 28.2 47.2 3.33 hp/s -15% scanres, -15% target range
renewing 26.1 43.5 20 hp/s

so one renewing+blinding+starving and 2 recon is 273 initial DPS, and 360 DPS after 36s.
advice : kill the recon damavik first. and/or prepare Uranus.

details :

Recon damavik

The base damage of the disintegrator is (61therm + 33exp) every 3s so 31.3 raw DPS of the guns without mult. Mult starts at *0.9 (so 28.2 DPS) and ends at *1.5 (so 47DPS) with 0.05 every cycle, so fully spooled after 12cycles, ie 36s.

The missile is 45em + 45kin, mult is *5, every 7s so 64.3 DPS.

The base initial DPS is thus 92.5 DPS, and ends at 111.2 DPS after 12 gun cycles, that is 36s.

The rep is 10 armor hp every 3s so 3.33 hp/s

Starving recon damavik

Neutralized instead of missile launcher, -10GJ every 4s @6+4km range.
DPS from 28.2 to 47 after 36s.

same rep as recon

Renewing recon damavik

deals only (31ex+56therm) from disintegrator, 3s delay, multiplier from 0.9 to 1.5 after 36s, so DPS from 26.1 to 43.5

rep is 60hp every 3s so 20 hp/s

Blinding recon damavik

33+61 disintegrator, like starving.
damp is -15%scanres and -15% target range.

same RR as the vanilla.