I’d like to ask if and when there will be some update to encourage players to use EDENCOM (and not only Upwell) assets, make them more accessible or introducing other ships like a destroyer, a battlecruiser or a capital ship. Maybe the upcoming Drifter crisis could be a pretext to look about this but for now, farming to obtain those assets requires complicated or squad-only operations like Pochven sites and triglavian wormhole cleanings (farming DED LP).
Despite all the previous considered, I’d just like to know if someone would have something in mind about these factions.
Lol that’s not how ccp works. It’s getting close to time for the deathless to also be forgotten about their story left unfinished and for a new shiny “mystery” to be added
Time for the drought until FanFest, to be followed by the drought until the next null-sec release, er… patch in Summer. Which will then see an attempt to fix/patch everything again in the Fall - and then we get to enjoy another 6-month development hiatus.
Its easy, go to pochven and shoot everything that isn’t an edencom NPC, its really really simple it just takes some effort, grab a T3D, ideally very long range, then just head to a system and kill a trig, a rogue drone, and a sleeper/drifter then hop next door and do the same there and then rinse and repeat and viola, easy standings
Some Edencom and Triglavian rigs (tracking, range, damage, rate of fire) could be a good starting point. Along with a few Edencom and Triglavian implants (and allow the ROF implants to apply to both). And maybe allow missile guidance computers and missile guidance enhancers to also affect Vorton projectors.
You basically want something that does more than tickle at 100km
You could use the cormorant for it but you’re still going to need T2 turrets and you’re not doing much damage, anything else able to do this safely is going to cost about as much as the jackdaw if not more