Sometimes it's just looks like low effort

I’m not sure how to respond. Like, I’m not sure if you’re ignorant of the mountain of evidence of CCP listening to players, or actually believe that because CCP doesn’t implement every inane idea proposed by every idiot, that means that they “don’t listen to the players.” Well, I don’t think that you’re uninformed, so I have to assume that you have unreasonable expectations or something.


Well, we’ve kind of talked about this before, but once again for the viewers at home:

  • Players often give conflicting feedback- There is absolutely no shortage of examples here, but we need look no further than your own examples of CCP “not listening.” So, players complained about capital proliferation, and then players complained about how expensive CCP made caps. Null bloc players complained about structure spam and asked for more incentives to blow them up, and carebears complained that CCP put targets on their backs and screwed them over. Hunters adamantly approved of blackout, while krabs threw a fit. “And so on and so forth.” In fact, I believe it was CCP Rise that once said, “we know we’ve balanced something right when half the players say we went too far, and the other half say we didn’t go far enough.”
  • Players often have poorly thought out ideas- You regularly use these forums right? I mean, you yourself sometimes disagree with player ideas. So, I’m not sure you can fault CCP for not listening to bad ideas.
  • Players often fail to provide persuasive arguments- Some players will actually try convince CCP, the CSM, and/or their fellow players that their idea has meritt, while others forgo things like persuasive arguments, good grammar, and punctuation in favor of insults, calls for devs to be fired, threats to unsub, rants about troglodytes, and literal ■■■■■■■ curses.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I do believe that CCP does sometimes fall short. A rather famous example of this is when players warned of the rorqual buff. And, more recently, it seems like they are failing to listen to the Pochven community. So, there is most certainly room for improvement. Hell, I have some feedback of my own that I really wish they’d listen to. However, those that assert that CCP doesn’t listen are either uninformed, are being disingenuous, arrogantly think that they have all the answers, and/or have unrealistic expectations.

So, once again, if you want CCP to listen to you, I suggest trying to make compelling arguments and building a consensus. I can’t promise you that they will implement your change, but I will promise you that it will get you further than a rant.

Or, don’t. And keep cherry picking reasons to get angry at CCP for not listening. Whatever works for you.

Edited for grammar.

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