Sooo...when's the next war?

Watch the news:

The next thing is probably the invasion of Cobalt Edge.

INN is like RT irl - avoid, except for the memes

INN is no different than any other news source. they all have bias to one degree or another. with INN you at least know exactly what their bias is going to be so you can watch for it when you read.
Honestly i’d rather have that than some “supposedly” neutral news site where your not entirely sure where their loyalties and bias lies.


Sums up the world today - rather watch bias - but with no understanding of what the facts are to balance it, so no ability to discern ‘truth’ - because don’t want to believe anything that might actually provide a balanced opinion and spoil their ‘world view’ (or put the effort in to research properly - people don’t have the skills and… ‘google’ - although many can’t even get as far a googling the answer… sheesh)

e.g: nearly every politician, political view and political ideology - writ large -> Trump and Brexit

Tell me that you have got it my new session, plisssss

/hugs ? :hugs:

oh Yeah!!!.. back to work :smile:

Like all medias, they have something to sell.

It is empty platitudes, so not necessarily wrong, but definitely useless. Of course all things can fall and will fall given enough time. Insert Ozymandias quote here.

In the current meta it would require a lot to assault Delve. Test switching sides to Panfam would make it hard for the Imperium to conduct offensive sov warfare, but would not threaten Delve. Test does not have very fond memories of PL and doing this would also paint an enormous target on their back.
It would probably take both Test switching sides and The Initiative breaking rank with the Imperium before Delve gets threatened. But then the question is why they would do so, protect the northern botting/rental schemes?

Although to a large extend EVE is a sandbox, I think it would be great for the game if CCP was to ban rental empires due to the massive botting operations. Obviously doing it at this stage would do overwhelming damage to Panfam so an unfair change for their rank-and-file members. But if Imperium & Test manage to break Panfam & their rental empires in a year or two it would be a good time for CCP to make that change.

Edit: and with regard to Asset Safety in nullsec:
“After 5 days a player can choose to have the assets delivered to an NPC station, outpost, or Citadel in the same system the assets were originally located. If the package is not moved manually within 20 days after its creation, it will be automatically moved.
If the station the assets are being automatically moved to is not within the same system, the player will have to pay 15% of the assets’ value to release them from asset safety. If it is the same system, the charge would be 0.5% of the assets’ value.”
So even a one-shot at a staging keepstar does not destroy the assets or make it expensive to recover; the enemy has to ensure there are no other structures in system and even then it will be possible to recover the majority of assets quite easily.

Shock Horror: Not biased much…

You do realise that both the Imperium and Legacy have considerably larger botting empires under their ‘protection’ than Panfam - of course you do, just spinning… ffs, Goons told their own members not to report bots…

But then they are all guilty to one degree or another

Gnomes? :rofl:

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I’m so happy we made it
I knew one day we would
All these years of strugglin’
Were never understood
Now my eyes are open and I can clearly see
We didn’t die for nothin’ cuz we’re finally free
I’m so happy

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