Sounds Not Working Since Update?

June 11th… Still no sounds. I guess putting new Skins in the game is more important.

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Any replies from CCP? I have reported again and opened BUG REPORT Created 2020-05-28, nothing happened untill I reacted for second time yesterday got answer to open BUG REPORT I checked my BUG REPORT and now is in status " Attached: This report has been linked to an active defect." So it seems things are getting slowly going towards resolution.
I am going to be persistant and patient.
Guys any replies from your sides?

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Just the trademark ‘‘We’re aware of this problem, and our guys are working on it’’.

This says nothing to me. Your guys may be working on it for 10 minutes a month for a whole year. I’d like to get an ETA on this instead. How much longer is this going to be: another two weeks? Two months? A year? … This isn’t some graphics flicker that, while annoying, usually doesn’t affect the actual game play that much. This is a major problem that needs to be prioritized and solved as soon as possible.

They apparently had plenty of time and resources to churn out new graphics effects at the time when the audio content was broken for a sizeable number of players. The roof of your house is leaking, but you decide to use the money on a new paint-job for the facade instead…

Of course CCP will eventually solve this. That’s not good enough. This issue needs to be solved YESTERDAY.


THIS! and “Our logs show nothing” :slight_smile:

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I initiated a bug report when I first detected the issue immediately after the 27 May Invasion patch. My bug report did not have the “attached” status until 5 June. I haven’t seen any updates on my bug report since it was “attached” to the known issue.

If everyone who is having this issue were to create a bug report on every account they own… At this point in time, inundating CCP with bug reports that all say the same thing doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. Might give them an idea of how big their Win7/MacOS/Linux player base is. Nothing lights a fire under butts like the idea of losing money.

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Todays patch seems to have fixed the issue. I just logged in and i can hear my ship warp again.
Anyone else can confirm?

nope still not fixed here no sound when activating or deactivating cloak ,guns/rockets,shields/armor mining sounds and wh activation on other players when camping it probably a couple other sounds ve missed this is a major problem now and needs sorting grrr i already had the sound when warping that wasnt a problem my end

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i canceled my subs until this get fixeed. a week ago i lost a 2.5 bill fited battleship becouse of my bad habit of play bullet chess while my ships travels, didnt hear the shots, and it was too late when i came back lol
Sounds are still broked, 17 days already, and no response.


I’ll move my assets out of my wormhole and do the same now.

CCP obviously has enough money and doesn’t need that couple of bucks from me anymore. Else they would at least talk to us!

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Please CCP, get in touch. Write an answer in this post :confused:

Yeah, that’s annoying. Got the Sound issue still here.

I never had the ship warp sound missing. I have no world sounds (the atmosphere when you are out in space), I have no station/structure interior sounds – it is all completely silent! i have no turret audio (can’t hear my guns or mining lasers), I don’t have that warp-in sound when NPCs land on grid with me, and various other audio all missing. I basically only have the warp sound, the docking/undocking sound, Project Discovery sounds, and some alert/error cues. That’s all.

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Very very occasionally I can hear one of the missing sounds, a single explosion, a ping from a scanner, or a missile launching. A word from ccp about timing for a fix would be quite welcome by now.

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Yeah This is really hard to believe - as a returning / new player I can’t believe this hasn’t been addressed at all. Literally missing HUGE chunk of the game experience. Imagine a new game title missing 70% of it sound database. Un-real.


Not fixed yet.

Can we please fix the ■■■■■■■ sound. Thanks.

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I have an iMac with Catalina and the sound fx has stopped working too, they really need to fix it fast, as I am paying for the privlidge.

Still broken af, can someone please find out when this issue will be resolved?

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Way too much ppl 1 month without resolution. First step I will wirte a complaint, just need to find a way where to get PEC certified mail second, completely remove payment and disinstall Eve.

main problem is WIN 7
After upgrade on WIN 10 all sound got back.
I sent those data to EvE support…maybe will fix maybe were paid by Microsoft not to fix :slight_smile: