Currently Plexing your account for a month costs approx. 2.2 Billion ISK (or 73M Isk/day). You can produce roughly 4 Injectors with that, so the base price for the SP alone becomes 550 million before you figure in the cost of the injectors and market expense.
Buying SP is an expensive proposition no matter how you look at it. Personally I agree that the gains aren’t worth the price, but apparently some people are a lot more impatient than you or I.
When I started in 08, it didn’t matter that I was only 5 yrs behind the bitter old vets at the time.
And while I’m no fan of sp inj, there has got to be a way for talented new players to catch up. I don’t expect a new player to have to wait almost 20 yrs for that.
I pulled myself up be my bootstraps way back when. I see your point but common, I really don’t expect a new player to have to be set so far back with no way to catch up.
I’ve started many characters on many accounts over the years. It’s certainly possible to get by, do various game activities, focus on doing things you can achieve rather than trying to fruitlessly directly compete with vets with more skills and experience.
Not saying purchasing SP or using injectors is a necessity. A determined player can get by without them. But yes this is exactly the point - at this stage of the game, being able to buy or trade enough SP to quickly get into a specific ship, career or set of weapons etc. just gives more flexibility and options to both new players and old.
I respect you but don’t ever tell me now after 13 yrs of playing that a talented new player should never have the ability to catch up to me in some way.
Yes, it’s a F’ed up way of doing things but until someone comes up with a better idea?