What if Skill Injectors Were Bad

The basic premise of skill extration and injection is some guy has a skill he doesn’t want, so he loses it, then he sells it to some guy who get gets SP. Cool.

What if they didn’t work on new toons? I’m not suggesting this so this isn’t under “suggestions.”

So suppose to actually inject something extracted from another player, a toon would be to be 38 months old and be on an account that had been Omega for at least 38 months. These two times might not line up given breaks can be taken in the game. Event based SP bonuses still apply, just not stuff extracted from other players.

What would happen to the market?

CCP has discovered that one of the best ways to make money is to extract it from new players that don’t understand what they are doing. Your suggestion would run counter to that goal.


Maybe, but what about the in-game market?

Can’t put that worm back in the jar.

That ship has undocked.

The die has been cast.

The clowns have exited the car (and are mysteriously continuing as if it is an endless line of clowns exiting the nether… amazing).

The hooker has been paid.

The pebble has been snatch from my hand.

Get this… turns out, the clown car was CCP.

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CCP has also discovered that they can make more money selling extractors to vets than they make from selling subs.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Yeah this is probably not a good thing for the playerbase… on the other “grumbling but still subscribed” players don’t really change the financial calculations.

I came back to EVE after 5 years and injected 160mil SP on my new character as I no longer had my old… I am happy it exist.

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Skill injectors currently work well on new toons and are much worse for older toons, due to diminishing returns.

What would happen if you turn that around is that new players have no way to quickly get into fun ships while veteran players drive the prices of injectors up to incredibly high prices so that even when a new player gets to the point that they can buy one, they cannot afford one.

Injectors allow new characters to catch up. Your suggestion would remove their main purpose.

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Who remembers Ironbank? Pretty sure that was the dude’s character. Anyway.

Yeah, that’s what would happen, pretty much.

Also, I had a 2 day old JF pilot way, way back when just because I could. The… issue? … here is that new players can buy and inject SP and spend money and be fairly ineffective. I mean, it helps, but it doesn’t solve all problems, so(and here’s one of the places I legit can’t comment with certainty because this isn’t in my wheelhouse of experiences) I’d imagine they’d either probably not buy too much SP, or be just a whale and at that point it doesn’t matter what you’re selling they’ll buy it. It’s the old dudes who are more interested in buying 40mil sp to make a specific toon. This is in my wheelhouse of experiences because, as I led with, I’ve done it.

Please point me to the rational discussing the necessity of “catching up”. Why is early adoption of a game that often feels like it never left beta something to be penalised?

I just would not have come to EVE if I had to retrain all my skills I had at the time I left.

I understand the sentiment. But I’d be more willing to class your case in with ‘older player using the system’ than newbro.

Also, the catching up argument is a manipulation meant to prey on naive newbros for monetary gain. Catching up in Eve is both accomplished on day 1 and never accomplished in your entire career, based on where you want to put the camera. Newbros never needed to catch up. They needed CCP to get them in touch with players, not continuously cordon them off in solitary confinement.


The price of injectors will always hit a near-equilibrium point with the cost of producing them (e.g. the $ cost of the extractor plus the $ cost of acquiring 500,000 SP via conventional training). Any price increases will be short-lived, and will only last while players are increasing the amount of SP farms to take advantage of the market opportunity. The final destination is always going to be somewhere around the break-even point.

It is true that the cost of extractors and the cost of Omega via PLEX are linked due to the existence of SP farms.

I wonder if it is just one that sets the other though and that injector price follows PLEX price. What is there to stop the PLEX price from increasing to follow the increased profits from SP farms?

Like you I expect there to be an equililibrium, but I wonder if that equilibrium could be at a higher PLEX price than that we have now?

PLEX is pegged to subs at like a 1.33x rate or so. It’s all intertwined. You’ll never have a situation where the ISK price of an injector is vastly greater than the ISK price of the equivalent amount of real-life money spent on PLEX-to-ISK or sub-to-ISK conversion.

Not permanently, at least.

Wait… why would injectors that don’t work on new toons, but work on old ones as well as they do currently (which is “meh”) make veterans want injectors more than they do now?

I would not be playing this game if I didn’t have the opportunity to trade my time/effort for SP to train the skills I actually cared about and have fun with.

i didn’t earn a single SP since skill extractors were released
i can fly what i want already
i had capital ships 2 times in my life , 2 dreads , i find them to be like super cars , a infinite drain of money
sold the skills and don’t regret

That statement may be correct. Would you care to explain why?
Is it the opportunity to correct perceived mistakes?

Everything and nothing is a mistake in EVE. We all fail forward, even CCP.

If the previous developers had been wise, they would have let CCP keep their old monopoly on doling out skillpoints to the players.

Cutting the skill-farming players out of that scam now, would have repercussions too. Many of these fanatics also volunteer to do much of the mining and PI that no real player should be forced into doing.

The game economy relies on that glut of materials now and had been further adjusted to deal with that glut (the unpopular Scarcity and Industry updates). The increased multi-boxing also makes the PCU look a bit more OK: a little higher population on the charts.

Fixing this mess properly would mean work for the current devs. By rights, EVE’s current monetization scheme shouldn’t work at all, yet it does, so they need to be careful with that old duct-tape.