- webbased eve mail client

Update: I exchanged the api client completely, if you experience any issues please let me know.

For those interested in details: I’m using a newer version of swagger codegen (2.3) which generates a Client based on Guzzle/HTTP which makes it possible to do API calls async (which I don’t do yet) which might speed up things (which it doesn’t do yet), so yes right now it should behave the same.

If there are no major complaints, I will update the sources anytime soon.

EDIT: Sources on bitbucket updated. If this update breaks your own instance, please mention your php version.

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sent a mail to my corp. The spacemail didnt recognize any line breaks or paragraphs.

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Just tested it and it worked fine. Was there anything special in that mail?

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The only thing special was links

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A few feature suggestions:

  1. I recently joined some mailing lists, but, new mails from the mailing lists are not showing in the sidebar. It would be really nice if they did…

  2. I use spacemail on multiple computers and I feel like the login should not use any scopes.
    -Login without any scopes
    -On first login ask the user to auth the scopes needed to use spacemail

  3. Another feature that would be nice to have, is to only auth the scopes for the features you want to use, say I only want to read my mail, but, don’t need the calendar, it would be nice to have the options to only having to auth the mail scopes. ofc, you should able to change the scopes if you want to use the calender at a later point. (it’s not a super important feature, just nice to have).

Last, (but, definitely not least), thank you for creating spacemail, I have said it before, but, it’s just pure awesomeness :slight_smile:

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Will see what I can do. No scopes at all wont work, as this gives no refresh token so also nothing to verify. But starting with a minimal set, like publicData and updating when needed should be doable.

Mail list unread count would be nice unfortunately the api does not provide that (yet?), not even a way to pull only one particular mailing list, so the only reliable way would be to pull ALL mail headers.

Btw. The only reason why you have to relog when using it on multiple computers is because, as a safety feature, only the last authentication cookie is valid, all others need to relog.

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Thank you for your reply :slight_smile:

It’s possible to separate the SSO login flow and the scope request flow. You can use SSO without scopes and then have another step to request the scopes, it means you will need to go to the auth page twice (Once to login and once to auth the scopes) when creating an account, but it also mean you don’t have to re-auth all the scopes to login on another computer.

In short, you save the refresh token in a database with the character data and match the two when someone login without scopes.

I do agree with your security decision, that is fine (web devs that makes good security decisions are the best kind of people!), Just don’t think it’s needed to auth scopes to login.
I’m sorry if I’m doing a poor job of explaining the feature, English is not my first language…
Also, it’s a minor inconvenience, overall…

the only reliable way would be to pull ALL mail headers.

What about just show a label new (instead of a count) when an unread mail is found on the first page of get /characters/{character_id}/mail/ from the mailing list? …I don’t need a count, just need to know if I should check the mailing lists or not. It’s just an idea…

I think it would be really useful if the get /characters/{character_id}/mail/lists/ included unread count or get /characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/ included mailing lists. If you want to create a issue for it, I will be happy to upvote it. If you prefer I make the issue, but, I’m not really an expert in mail APIs, like you are :wink:

Please, do not take my feedback as criticism. SpaceMail is great, as is! …it’s just ideas and it’s 100% okay if they’re never implemented :slight_smile:

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I need to check if the combined unread count includes mailing lists, if so, displaying “new” for the mailing lists would be easy I guess.

There are already some issues related to mailing lists, if the unread count is not yet one of them I will add one.

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