With another huge fight over and more complaints about countless people disconnecting and not being able to log back in potentially costing one side the fight I honestly think its time CCP does something about this.
We all love the idea of huge battles, honestly I do too reading about them brought me to the game, but there is a huge , no colossal disconnect between what we read and how it actually plays in game.
I don’t believe that putting a hard cap on the number of people in a system would be the right way to go, but I do believe that some form of mechanic should be put in place to encourage smaller fights, let me be clear when I say smaller I am referring to this mythical number that is small enough that tidi drops to about 50% but no lower, some tidi works its when it gets taken to extreme that it fails and the server just cant handle it and people get kicked.
Spacial Rift’s
This will work on a scaling system with the more people entering a system the worse the rift becomes and it’s effect’s increase.
Again numbers here are estimates the goal is to have the max number of players in a system while maintaining good tidi.
with 200 Players in system a spacial rift will spawn some where in local space, this rift will have no adverse effects yet, this rift will grow in size for each new additional pilot in system, as it grows it will begin to apply effects to the local system (like how some wormholes come with effects)
300 Pilots in space take a -5% to shield and armour recharge rate
350 Pilots in space take a -10% to shield and armour recharge rate
400 Pilots in space take a -25% to shield and armour recharge rate
1000 Pilots in space take a 50% reduction in shield and armour recharge rate
Pilots in space take a -25% to shield and armour recharge rate
1500 Pilots in space gain a 10% bonus to all types of dps
Pilots in space take a -25% to shield and armour recharge rate
2000 Pilots in space gain a 70% bonus to all types of dps
Pilots in space take a -25% to shield and armour recharge rate
With something like this, players can still have those huge 4000k player fights, but they wont last nearly as long as ships will die faster, the battle will end faster and players will take more severe losses, the point here is the most players will not want to take a fight like this, but they can if they have the balls and isk to put up with the loss.
The ultimate goal with a system like this would be that FC’s and battle commanders would need to strategically asses how many enemies are in system and then bring the right number of enemies to counter them without trigger an overly aggressive rift to spawn.
I think something like this, possibly not as I have defined above but a mechanic that works like this to discourage super massive fights would be better for the game long term, it would result in better fights with more action and no disconnects no lagging players and just a better all round battle for all involved…