As noted elsewhere, I have been reading the Amarr Scriptures recently and came across this passage which I wish to discuss at this juncture:
“At the end of days when they descend
Watch for the coming of the Ark
For within it, salvation is carried”
The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 32:6
I am not a theological expert not do I pretend to know anywhere near as much as I wish to about the Amarr faith but I feel this needs further discussions.
First of all, “At the end of days when they descend.”
Many here have heard of the Prophecy of Macaper and philosophers seem to be in agreement that we have past through the majority of the Seven Events of the Apocalypse. For those that do not know, I shall detail them in brief below.
- The cosmetic kiss of the comets. Two comets collided in Caldari space in YC105 creating space debris but not hindering nearby planets.
- The exact text of the second event is not recorded, but it is related to weeks of torrential rain and flooding. Fricoure experienced mass flooding and heavy rain for weeks in YC 105
- Roaring stone that silences the world. In YC 105 Rumida was hit by a massive asteroid that killed many and left majority of the planet’s dwellers deafened by the intense sound of the asteroid’s impact.
- The appetite of nothing expands over the world. Sansha’s incursions set his empty hivemind slaves loose across New Eden.
- The little brother makes the final sorrowful steps home; he is not welcome. The speculation is that this is linked to Caroline’s Star and the emergence of the Drifters.
- What was many now becomes one when one becomes four.
- Return of the dark light from the heart of the mother.
It is clear, therefore, that we are closing in on the End of Days. Let us move onto the second line of the passage: Watch for the coming of the Ark.
In my past life as an Agent of the New Order, I was part of an elite team that would enforce Code violations in Triglavian invasion sites. I have seen many time the Xordazh-class ‘World Ark’ that they have released into the world but always remove from grid before they’re destroyed. The second line of the passage, therefore, suggests that we may be a lot closer than we think to the End.
The third line of the passage states that “For within it [the Ark], salvation is carried”. Imagine if Prophecy 6 has already come true but we have not discovered it yet. Could we be awaiting the return of the dark light from the heart of the mother? ‘The mother’, perhaps, is referring to a ‘mothership’ - an accurate description of the World Ark - but what is the ‘dark light’ that will lead to our salvation?
I have a few theories which I would like to share. If I have completely misunderstood or am misinformed in any of my musings, please let me know so I can be corrected. However, I fear that, unless we discover what the sixth prophecy pertained to, we will be missing a key piece of information to be basing any of this on. With that said:
Theory One - the Triglavians themselves
There is another scriptural extract I would like to discuss:
“Our Lord visited his flock and saw that all was not good.
Blasphemy and heresy ruled the land.
The Lord punished the sinners and drowned them in their own blood.
But the people of Amarr lived righteously and in fear of God.
Thus they were saved and became God’s chosen.”
The Scriptures, Book II 2:1
Could the Triglavians be the punishment metered from God for those that do not live righteously? Are they the weapons of Salvation? A ‘dark’ deliverance of God’s ‘light’?
It seems unlikely to me as the Triglavians seem to have targeted Amarr space over all others and that the Triglavians have not been attempting to kill with most reports suggesting that they are seeking intelligence over vengeance.
Theory Two - An Energy Source
When the Triglavians were communicating with capsuleers and leaking details of the construction of the World Ark, there was a ‘dark light’ at the heart of the ship - a ball of what is speculated to be singulairty-based energy powering it. Should the Amarr get access to that energy source, could it be enough to lead them to overwhelming power and lead to a second Reclaiming?
Theory Three - Isogen 10
Triglavian ships use Isogen 10 in their construction and, therefore, is at the ‘heart’ of the World Arks. We have seen the power of Isogen 5 but we do not know the full extent of what Isogen 10 can do or why it is so important to the Triglavians. Again, a ‘gift from God’ of a material that could bring about a new Reclaiming could be considered as Salvation for the rest of New Eden.
I apologise that this is somewhat stream of consciousness and somewhat speculation but to present my thoughts in a more formalised way would suggest I have greater knowledge than my novice status would belie. If anyone has any better suggestions based on their superior knowledge of Amarr Scriptures, The Prophecy of Macaper or the Triglavians, please let me know. Similarly, if anyone with such knowledge believes I could be on to something, I would welcome more advice, support or whatever can be offered to help me research this further.