[Split Topic] - Ganking

Ganking isnt a problem, neither is pulling concord


I beg to differ, pulling concord is extremely annoying and illogical mechanic which should be removed. But whenever I wrote this the gank-haters swarmed the forums saying that gankers deserves every inconveniences and obstacles for what they do so this musn’t be changed as it would be a “buff” to the ganking lol.

Oh you mean videos like this?

We are never going away buddy, accept it and move on


#1 eve video

What made you hate gankers so much lol

Another one of these stop ganking threads.

It’s almost like it’s not beating a dead horse at this point.

I noticed, OP, you’re crying on the forums in a vain attempt to get other people to stop it for you. But my question to you is, what are you doing in game to stop them?

Why are you relying on everyone else to do the dirty work for you? Join an anti-ganking group and foil Aiko.

merged another Gankingthread in here.

I long ago blocked Moist after the tasteless paedo/molestation commentary. Given Aiko’s documentation of these folks’ behavior, I’m not surprised Moist started a forum thread demanding others do what they’re not willing to do, not willing to pay others to do, or not willing to organize themselves.

It always winds up being an appeal to others or authority. No concept of personal responsibility. Which explains past horrid comments too.


LOL ok.

Ain’t our fault you’re botting FW :smiley:

So what you’re saying is this should be changed.

Got it :smiley:

For real man. I finally gave up around the time of the fallen story arc. I love D2 lore but I finally had to stop. It felt like a job LOL.

I mean I do have the forge ship tho :smiley:

Warlock 4 lyfe mang

Imagine getting so confused between a vidya game and reality, that you think you can diagnose a mental condition sight unseen with no training :smiley: Or that in game actions mean out of game sociopathy.

I mean if this is the case, if you’ve ever played an FPS or third person shooter, you should receive a mandatory life sentence :smiley:

Huh. And again, what medical degree qualifies you to make this medical diagnosis?

I guess you’ve done a lot of BIMS in your life huh?

There’s no botting, there’s just nothing to do. Maybe it should be changed but most mechanics in the game have some “wait for things to happen” aspect to them. Everything from entosis mechanics and structure shooting to PvE, all low input with lots of waiting. I’m not sure CCP could change all of it.

I heard Street Fighter has really unfair PvP: they should have taken the PvE of beating up that car and really fleshed out that part of the gameplay more and completely gotten rid of the sociopathic PvP that only caters to evil people.

Guilty gear? Tekken? Mortal Kombat? That PvP is also only for horrendous people and the games should’ve answered their true calling and focused on the PvE story mode aspect.

Only sociopaths want to sonic boom or hadoken another player!


@Most_Moliko is correct, you are one of the most narcissistic people I’ve ever spoken to. Your need for praise and constant approval is sickening. You belittle people in an attempt to make yourself look better, but everyone can see through it. What will you do after HS closes its doors to your lot?

Which is why GANKING is GOOD.
Brings some excitement to the filthy miner’s tedious lives.

Now lets look at the life of a freighter pilot. Can you imagine how boring it would be carrying billions in cargo , jumping jump after jump with no risk at all to your precious cargo? Wouldn’t you prefer the excitement of knowing that every jump might be your last , everything you own going up in a puff of smoke, and the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that you are on AIKO’s zkillboard?

Self project much?

You are confusing perfection with narcissism and throwing in a bit of jealousy of her greatness, beauty and ruthlessness.

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Did you really quote me quoting someone else then reply as if I said it?

If PvE is so boring, maybe it should be removed from the game.

No higher honor than that.

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Titans! Hoorah!

As with all the whiny carebears, they’re not really enjoying the game…but they’ve become a dog in a manger and can’t bear the thought that anyone else might.

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If nothing’s happening then you’re not playing Eve right. There’s no end of opportunity for stuff to happen. Personally I have too much happening, in 9 different characters. I even missed a good fleet yesterday because I was already on one.

And its curious how you complain about nothing happening, yet object to gankers going around and providing mobile content…bringing the action to people.

Alt much?