October 18
Brisc Rubal.
It was CSM brought this to CCP s radar … Here you can read Brisc Rubal’s sugestion. (Page 12, 2. Paragraph)
“CCP Larrikin pulls up activity data for players of corporations that have wars declared against them and it shows considerable activity drops in all activities during the war. **
> They also show that the low activity continues after the war ends. Brisc Rubal noted that the numbers here were so stark, it would justify immediately removing war decs as a mechanic and promising a fix after the fact.
** The CSM in general were surprised at how stark the numbers were and noted it was clear this mechanic was having a significant impact on player recruitment and retention. ”
And innominate :
Innominate says the issue with War Decs is they can’t be removed completely due to the high sec structures. Having war decs limited to corps with structures and adding victory conditions would be one way. Opting out completely would mean the corporations would only exist as a social structure. CCP Fozzie says this is one of the leading ideas at this time.
Start readin from page 8
February 19 . Wardeck changes landed.
Did it increase retention?
Did it increase active player numbers ?
well i did expain why very clean based on science and research on behavioral psych … and science says NO !
Reading all these from an educated perspective was “ hillarious” experience for me … thanks for reading .