Hi if you use more than one web on a target do they all have full effect without stacking penalty ?
Also Sensor Damps it mentions that they receive a stacking penalty affecting the same attribute but does that apply to more than one ship damping the same target ?
This might need to move too modules section of the forum
Here is another thread where things led to a similar question.
Edit: To answer your most likely next question; yes, everyone is aware of how useless webbing drones are. To be honest, i don’t think the DEVs see a good answer for addressing this and neither do I without creating a lot more spaghetti code… which may or may not break other, unrelated, things because programming languages are fickle like that.
His math is wrong though The first one applies 5% the second one 4.35% the third 2.5% forth 1 % But yes that will all shift down a peg if your ship uses a web module on him too.
So your indepth knowledge of Vindi use could be called lacking perhaps? I mean I was really only making a passing comment about Vindis with relation to web stacking penalty. I wasn’t suggesting you don’t PvP. With 2 webs slowing a micro-warping frigate to the point you can hit it with battleship guns I think it’s fairly obvious why I made the link with your question about stacking penalties
Of course not. But the correct shiny ship can solve most things. Sorry for tickling your neckbeard.
Of course it isn’t I am the alpha forum alt of all knowledge. However the lacking indepth does tell you something about the frequency in which they are used if ever and that infrequency multiplied by how often a 1 v 1 battleship fight happens. Are we talking about a compact gang with specific and economical stuff or just a huge blob of ships that has everything it it could possibly need for all situations because the later isn’t really a indepth knowledge either.