Standing problem .... summon archer .... HALP

If he needs access to the Amarr epic arc, USIA will be more than happy to permanently unlock it for him :wink: USIA Discord

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You should try to recruit this guy, Archer.

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oh ty @Archer_en_Tilavine, he is a lawyer with kids and stuff ,he is gone from discord , now he’s probably grinding in a battleship lol

i dont care much about money as long as i have my account plexed and some pvp ships but i did some isk in my life

For most of us (myself included), USIA is a stepping stone toward other things. Given that he’s earning 10b/mo, USIA is probably too small-fry for him - unless he wants an opportunity to make respectable ISK in a more passive/multitaskable way than he is now. Something where you can do other stuff on/physically near your computer and make good ISK without risk of dying to rats or gankers.

When someone makes that much ISK, they lose more ISK (and fun) in the time they spend raising standings themselves than if they hire us, especially if they are also busy IRL since it can be time consuming as well :stuck_out_tongue: . The epic arc corps have standing gain penalties, so they raise even more slowly than “normal” corps.

Our unofficial slogan is: “We raise standings… so that you won’t have to” :rofl:

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yeah but there is one strange kind of person that have fun grinding combat sites and doing epic arcs , ill never understand but thats a thing

edit: ill prob run out of :heart:s lol

Oh, to be clear, we don’t actually run the epic arcs, we just unlock permanent access to them - clients have to run the arcs themselves.

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Nudge nudge, wink wink.

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i told him about you, if he gets bored he will contact :+1:

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First of all have your friend train up the various Social skills. Since he has -2.3 negative standing with Amarr Faction, he should first train up Diplomacy, then train up Connections and Social skills asap.

Diplomacy skill will raise his negative standing and at the very least make him neutral to Amarr. Hopefully training up the Diplomacy skill will allow your friend to join the FW Corp.

Training up Connections skill will increase current positive standings allowing easier access to Agents.

The Social skill is especially important since that will increase the amount of Standing gained for completing missions.

Anyway @Xeux is correct, have your friend run the level 1 Data Center Agents. I suggest starting with the level 1 Data Center ‘Courier’ Agents:

Agent = Hefaka Chubid (Level 1, Required standing n/a)
Location = Polfaly System @ Imperial Data Center Beacon
Corporation = Royal Khanid Navy
Mission = Courier (Amarr Graduation Certificate)

Agent = Sevan Fagided (Level 1, Required standing n/a)
Location = Kudi System @ Imperial Data Center Beacon
Corporation = Royal Khanid Navy
Mission = Courier (Amarr Graduation Certificate)

Agent = Shafra Gulias (Level 1, Required standing n/a)
Location = Ferira System @ Imperial Data Center Beacon
Corporation = Khanid Works
Mission = Courier (Amarr Graduation Certificate)

Note: After completing those missions, take one of the ‘Signed’ Graduation Certificates to the Agent listed on the Certificate and complete that Agents mission series.

After completing all those missions, your friend should have no problem joining the FW Corp. In case his standing is still low, he can then run the Level 1 Data Center ‘Tag’ missions. Those can be quickly completed by buying the required Tag type and amount from the Market.

Also if needed he can run the Caldari Agents which will give positive derived standing gains to Amarr.


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