Standing requirement for being repped by NPC Miners

One time I was flying a solo hyperion in fw and Poksu mineral reserve came in with ospreys and stomped them before I could do any damage. This happened 100km off station when I mjd to them

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The response attack fleet that warped in was Guristas.

The blue Thukker and red Sansha mining ships didn’t do anything, course I didn’t do anything either so I’m thinking the Guristas response attack fleet was due to FOB game mechanics.

Anyway, be careful with raising Thukker Tribe Faction standings, they’re only positive to Minmatar and have negative standings with all other Factions. I suggest getting high standings with the other Factions first to act as a buffer before working on Thukker Tribe.


The guristas came in and attacked you because, knowing you, you have below 0 faction standing for Guristas. That means attack. 2.5 is neutral and 5.0 is “help”.

I know about Thukker Standings, but Thukker is SO useful. Great Wildlands anyone? And a nice smattering of lowsec stations.

you are exactly right about raising it. What I find I have to do is: Do 16 distro missions, get a level 4 storyline. Do that. That gives me a “buffer” to slowly dissolve as I raise my other factions.

Curiously, I don’t have to do minmatar missions since the Thukker “raise” will raise Matar standings fine, and the amarr and caldari missions I run, (I lowered them by TRYING to get Blood Raider standings up… ) will lower thukker and matar but I run some gallente too.

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After a ton of missioning I have all 4 empire factions plus thukker above 2.0 adjusted.

You will need 0.44 or so unadjusted with Connections IV to get above 2.0

I had 2.0 ROUNDED UP and the NPC fleet was NOT blue.

When I did another storyline, they are all above 2.0 and all are blue. It didn’t use to be this way.

In order to get this, what I would recommend is:

If any faction is below -2 with diplomacy as high as you are willing to go, then you must raise it. Follow DeMichael’s “plan” with one tiny exception: Don’t be in a rush to use the Epic arcs (Especially Sisters of Eve) to get faction standing higher. I had Amarr very low (-3) but Caldari was -1. So I did Caldari to raise Amarr. (I had to do Caldari ANYWAY, and saving the epic arc was important. I’ll get to why later)

Then do missions for the faction with the lowest standing. This will cause it’s standing to climb (when you do storylines). Others will fall.

Amarr will raise Caldari, lower the rest
Caldari will raise Amarr, lower the rest
Gallente will raise Matar, lower the rest
Matar will raise Gallente and Thukker and lower the rest
Thukker will raise Matar and lower the rest.

Thukker, you will find, is a PITA.

I use the agency to find the closest station offering distro missions I can take. If you are like me, you will do a LOT of amarr missioning. There is an imperial Armament station that has 5-6 distro agents. All levels 1-3. Pick them all up in a wreathe and drop them off and do it again.

If you get a combat storyline against an empire then do it with an alt.

As you do storylines, you will “Bounce” between factions. This is normal.

Now: As you bounce around the faction standings will all slowly climb. Eventually you will, as I did get 4 out of 5 above 2.0. This is fantastic. As long as the other is not Thukker, then just do the sisters epic arc, choose that faction for the raise and you are finished.


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