Starborne is now in Beta

and created by the original EVE devs.

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Is it still as ridiculously time intensive as it was in alphas 6-8? Damn, that was a nightmare.

You really need an option to log in with Google.
I really don’t feel like creating a new Account Data file for a new program on a new system.

Not only that, but anyone else with less experience, or , means to improve their motivation, than me, are going to be in an even worse place than me for it,
and , it will be even harder for them .

Also, do you have a referring player?
If yes, enter his name in this thread so we can punch his name in the input field of that application form, by punching the keys on the keyboard, with one finger, or, multiple fingers in synchronization with the other fingers.

Referring Player Name : ________________

is : ________________

The Email Address field is required.
The Username field is required.
The Password field is required.
The Confirm Password field is required.
Your consent is necessary for Account Creation

Some guys working at Google even have to manage system and data center to handle over 3 billion accounts data and systems and security and so on.
It is very likely not to fit all in one file, and the hash algorithm is not designed for everyone to read.

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