A Spiritual Successor to Eve Online

I am back after another 4 year break. Been playing since 2007ish on and off.

Eve is one of the few MMOs that are still successful after multiple decades, and rightfully so.

In all these years, there have been countless Wow-Clones that have come and gone, fallen by the way side

But there has never been a true Eve clone. Albion is arguably a “clone” in the sense of certain gameplay mechanics such as: open world, full loot pvp, a high-low-null-sec system and portals connecting the different parts of the world together, but it’s a 2D fantasy game that simply doesn’t have the depth, the atmosphere, or the freedom that an Eve Online server does. It’s a great game, but it’s no Eve.

Perpetuum, same deal, plus that game is effectively dead.

No Man’s Sky is the first game in all this time that made me feel almost the same sense of freedom in a massive universe that Eve did when I first started playing. It’s a game that does a lot of things right. However, the game is nowhere near as deep as Eve, and there are basically no other players that you can actually interact with in the game, and no pvp. For that reason, the game does not compare. Elite Dangerous has similar issues and plays more like a single player flight sim.

In some ways Minecraft is one of the few games that in my mind comes close to being as open-ended and free-form gameplay as Eve, with multiplayer and pvp servers, but again despite being an amazing game, it just doesn’t compare.

Echoes is a dumbed down phone version of Eve. It is not a true spiritual successor.

I have absolutely zero faith in Eve Frontier. I could be proven wrong and perhaps it could turn out to be a fun, “light” version of Eve, or perhaps it could even surprise me and be a fun game of its own. But its a survival game. I highly doubt that whatever they’re cooking up with that game will truly compare to Eve.

Star Citizen. Lol. It does actually look pretty good. But it is yet again another first person “realistic” space sim where combat seems to involve spinning around in circles because you have to literally face directly at enemy ships to shoot at them - as an Eve player, I can’t be the only one who finds this kind of gameplay rather uncivilized. If they can make combat work in that game to a degree where dogfighting doesn’t simply involve spinning around in circles so you can shoot at the enemy - if they can do that and make it good - then Star Citizen may have a chance.

Eve is still the king. It’s been going strong all these years. It’s unrecognizable in a lot of ways. There are plenty of criticisms we all have with this game, yet it is still the only Eve.

I imagine there are some Eve players out there who have the ambition to possibly create their own spiritual successor to the game - and tbh I feel like an Eve player is the kind of person who could understand how to do that better than anyone. Even I think I could do it, but learning how to code and make games is not an easy task, and I haven’t even got started on that front.

There are so many possibilities that could be explored with a game inspired by Eve. There are things that no one has ever tried to do in the MMO genre and space sim genre. Fantasy games like Albion and Smite have been done to death - but space combat games like Eve is one in a million and has so much more left for us to explore. I even had an idea of a “submarine” version of Eve - taking place underwater on an alien planet! With alien submarine vessels and aquatic exploration instead of spaceships. There is literally so much that could be done with this type of game.

A man can dream.

The possibilities are endless, and yet here we are in 2025. Still with only ONE game to play that can scratch that itch we all crave.

Please, give me some hope in this empty world - give me a true spiritual successor to Eve online


No Man’s Sky.

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Kerbal Space Program.

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Reading is hard for you isnt it? They mentioned that

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Made you write :slightly_smiling_face:

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The itch can also be somewhat relieved via pain such as being ganked!

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EVE Serenity.

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No Man’s Sky is probably the most exasperating game I have ever played. The menu is about as intuitive as mud. You get told to build something…without any clear instructions on what you are building, why you are building it, or how to build it. I pretty much gave up on it when asked to build some power unit outside my station and it kept saying make some part…with no instructions or anything on how to do so. Its like the tutorial just gives up on you.

DUNE, the 90s PC RTS game

@ARES_DES1DERATA If you’re looking for a good alternative to EvE Online I strongly suggest No Man’s Sky!

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Lol compared to other “space sims” like Elite Dangerous NMS is a walk in the park! Yeah it’s a bit confusing at first with all the variations of crafting and building but it actually tells you exactly what to do if you make sure you make the mission active in your log - it tells you step by step what minerals and stuff that you need. Honestly, NMS has to be the EASIEST space sim game to play… calling it unintuitive as an Eve player just seems crazy to me LOL. It’s the most simplified (and yet expansive) space sim game on the market, there is no debate here tbh. Compare any other space sim game to it and you’ll see that others like Elite dangerous are needlessly convoluted with their controls and whatnot

Unfortunately the “multiplayer” in No Man’s Sky is pretty much nonexistent. There is no pvp and multiplayer can literally be turned off in the options menu LOL. For that reason, until there is pvp in the game, NMS is DIS phukken QUALIFIED!

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EVE Frontier for the win.

But it can also be turned on :wink:
People like choices. Games with more choices fare better than games that don’t offer any choice. That is why EVE has never been a popular game, there are no choices.

But it does exist. It just doesn’t have what you want: forced PvP.

With your narrow view of what a good game is supposed to be it looks like you’re stuck with EVE.

He doesn’t want a game to play, he wants a game that lets him bully other players. That’s why he insists on multiplayer and forced PvP.

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You have no idea what you’re talking about. By your own dumb logic, I could say that there is “no choice” in a single player game. It makes absolutely ZERO sense. You have a choice to play multiplayer or single player games in the first place. Eve is a MULTIPLAYER game. Do I have to drill this simple fact into your head? “Forced pvp” is delusional. When you make a multiplayer game, you have the choice whether to let players attack each other or not. Eve is a game that is designed around pvp. If you don’t like it, you can literally play world of warcraft or some other garbage “multiplayer” game that doesn’t have real pvp.

If I wanted to be recommended games with no multiplayer, and no pvp, I wouldn’t be looking for an Eve clone.

I’ve already said I like No man’s sky. It’s a great game. I’m not denying that. What I’m saying is that it doesn’t offer what Eve does, and it doesn’t even come close. This is a simple fact.

I’m looking for a game that’s like Eve, and there pretty much are none. I am NOT looking for a single player space simulator, or a game where multiplayer can be turned off.

Yes I am looking for pvp. YES I enjoy fighting other players, I enjoy the competitive aspect of it, I am not a “griefer” but I enjoy the fact that there are griefers in this game and you have to actually be careful in pvp zones. It’s the same with Albion.

Don’t purposely misunderstand me or misrepresent me. If you don’t like pvp or multiplayer, that’s fine. IDGAF. I play eve because it’s the ONLY game with this kind of dangerous universe with pvp and in a space setting with spaceship combat.


No, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

And now with the lousy attitude you are showing, I believe @Thork_DeLaroche when he says that all you want is to bully people in games. Probably because you can’t do it in real life or the police would throw your bullying butt in jail.

I don’t see where this post violates forum rules.

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