I cant Jump through stargates look at this bug.
Look at the number of Jumps in the Route.
That’s caused by having a system on your avoid list and as such making the route impossible to complete. You can make the autopilot override this by clicking the A in the top left next to route, and unticking any avoid options on there.
You will still be able to jump to a new system, it is just the route that is failing to generate.
Someone told you to avoid the 0.5 sec systems like Uedama, didnt they.
Well, those are ganking spots for a reason. All roads lead through them. So you avoid, and you cant get anywhere.
there’s a few check boxes in the autopilot menu, avoid systems were pod killing has recently occurred, and avoid systems on your avoidance list. Personally I suggest unchecking those boxes. Click on that A next to route in the upper left of your screen.
Also your screenshot makes it look like you just jumped through a stargate so I’m not sure can’t jump through stargates is the right title.
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