Like Brisc says: “Don’t make my agree with them”. Come on CCP what the actually FRACK!
I cannot blame all those people rioting, I mean I don’t like them and I think the worst of them, but they are right.
I was expecting the castle to crumble, but this soon? Let me extend myself a bit in here, just for the pleasure of the interested reader.
What’s happening in EVE is the result of YEARs of pure (looking for a moderated word here) ‘incomprehension’ how the game really works.
So we have this fictional game world, where CSMs and DEVs and why not base gamers live OR pretend to live! And we have the real game world, where nothing, absolute nothing happens has designed, I dare to say this is probably why the game lived so long.
So without extending myself too much, I gonna throw at your face CCP the shield/armor nerfs and guns buff. Of course in your imaginary world everything gonna work has imagined, since Nullsec is your only base of comparison and lobbying it’s not too hard to understand how stupid it was to just tell gankers to just kill stuff even more easier than before. Of course YOU did not think about that, because you were too busy listening to biased CSM opinions of how Nullsec works.
Then of course, you made destroyers even more cheaper, BUT WAIT JUST A MOMENT, what are dessies used for? OMG!!! I guess someone had a brain fart about how would be nice to install a trasher doctrine and CCP followed… IMAGINE THAT!
So now, things are escaping your control, new people are leaving and you try to pull these (in my personal opinion sad) events (which I never cared, any semi intelligent player knows it’s bait) and seeing how FKed the game is, you came with a solution (I DARE SAY) probably as bad as nullification.
I’m not going to extend myself how wrong you are about isk destroyed value, 'cuz I have real life stuff to do, I’ll postpone this BOMB to another convenient time, I think I already bashed at you guys too much.
Not that I expect much from EVE, I just came back 'cuz COVID, but you guys are really icing the CAKE.
Fly safe o7