Starter nag pilot 25m SP

is for sale been training him into a nag basic skills t2 capital guns

open for bidding
fire away

Confirming i am for sale

19.5b best and final offer

offer received and noted

thank you

20 bil


21 Bil.


bidding is still open highest offer so far 21.5b

22 Bil.

24b B/O

Offer accpeted please send funds and account details for transfer

Isk sent to Kosmi4eskiy Oleg.

Account info also sent.

Isk received and transfer started to selected account

Character Name: DeathByBunnyG

Will be completed after: 8/13/2018 12:02:40 AM

Transfer email recieved, will post in the morning when I have the new character :slight_smile:

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