Starting out doing missions, help please!

When did you do it? There was some change to these missions and they are pretty impossible now witout blinged pirate frigates.

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Thatā€™s the thing, I tried them by my lonesome and it cost me about 80 million isk, so that was expensive.
What did I learn? Those are so op that I wonā€™t go near them ever again.

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I did it 3 days ago, along with several others L4 in super cheap Kestrel or Caracal (17Mils) and T1 weapons (I donā€™t have the skills, yet). The hardest one was the ā€˜Duo of Death, level 4ā€™. Tricky, but still doable for a Caldari Alpha Clone.

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Ah so the team missions were unchanged I suppose. Just those with solo frigates. Burners.

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i think so, Iā€™ve read something about that. Iā€™ve been doing mission for only 2 weeks and Iā€™ve only seen the ā€˜anomic teamā€™ until now, but I think you are right: the other kind are definitively harder and have changed a bit.

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the thought of grinding l1 and l2 missions literally just put a chill down my spine

this is eve, show some resiliency and get back at it. Figure out what the problem is fix it and overcome. Ask some questions, check a guide, or watch some videos. Iā€™ve lost way more than 80 mil doing burners, and Iā€™ll probably lose more in the future, but Iā€™ll make way more than enough isk to pay for the losses.

For lv1s with connections lv3 you will spend more time flying to the agent than you will doing missions as it only takes one mission to get enough standings to do lv2s (assuming neutral starting standings). And lv2s it takes maybe an hour or two in a warp speed fit cruiser to get to lv3s. From there it was about 20 missions to get to lv4 standings. Hard to even call that a grind by mmo standards.

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I was talking about just doing l1 and l2 missions, for isk. Not completing them as a prerequisite. Honestly might be better to do epic arc for what ever faction you want to do missions for if you are just going for standings.

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for sure. For a new player I recommend doing the career agents and the epic arc just to get used to the game. That should put you in a pretty good spot to move onto other things.


Burner NPCs are overpowered super dark terran purple QA fitted ships and the agent thinks it is much better I spend my time going 400 regions away into lowsec to maybe get 2 million for 1 hour travel time. I am going to become rich in no time.

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spawns are limited to neighboring constellation so no you arenā€™t going 400 regions away. And the kill itself is worth 5mil, with roughly another 5mil in reward + bonus, then over 12k LP in a 0.6 and over 14k LP in a 0.5.

pretty much worse case thatā€™s 20mil for 10 mins. best case its 30mil+ in 6 mins, which is roughly what you get in lanngisi. perfect is something like 40m in 4 mins, but thatā€™s unrealistic to chain the fastest kill burners in system with a high isk/lp agent.

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Just to echo what others have saidā€¦ Run the Sisterā€™s of EVE epic arc.

Complete it once for a specific faction and chances are you will be able to jump to level 2 missions with all corporations under that faction.


Easier with Social skill trained up and letā€™s not forget Connections skill too.


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After some L4, my standing against Guristats and Gallente is pretty bad: how can I recover a bit the Gallente standing?


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Doing epic mission arcs is pretty much the only way to recover specific faction standing and not affect the other ones negatively.


At some point you need to look into the skill ā€œnegotiationā€ which gives higher payout for missions.

And donā€™t worry about Guristas, they pirates.

run missions for gallente or someone gallente likes, SoE or minmatar are the two easy picks there, but if you look at their standings you may find more.

that said itā€™s gallente, so you should probably just kill em all and say to heck with the standing, but if you want to fix it you can do that instead.

Train up Diplomacy skill.

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Yep, Diplomacy will help. Also, the SoE arc can restore that and, to a greater extent, search the forums for The Plan (courtesy of @DeMichael_Crimson- one of our resident standings gurus :slight_smile: )

Lastly, make sure that you do not run missions that send you against factions. This will be mentioned in the mission description or in the info in EVE-Survival. Bad Gurista standing is not a terrible thing (unless you really want to do missions for them) but the Gallente standing could be in the future. Generally, itā€™s a good idea to decline missions that are against one of the 4 main factions if you have plans to interact with them or their space in the future.


Itā€™s worth it to grind the standings for the empire Epic Arc missions. Iā€™ve done 3 of the 4 (havenā€™t done Cal) and they all pretty much have one or two actually tough missions and a bunch of really easy ones. Rewards range from meh to pretty nice. Mostly it breaks up the monotony of mission running from a hub.
While at the end of the day running missions is running missionsā€¦Epic Arcs at least tell a cohesive story that is worth the time to actually read the text boxes. The branching arcs are few and far between but again offer more than any single mission.
By the time you have amassed a small fortune (or fleet of ships if you are a collector) you will probably be bored to death with missions. Remember the probe launcher is a major key to content. Anoms/Sigs have a less steady income rate but are generally more interesting and you travel New Eden more. Exploration also lends itself to stepping out of high sec more easily (mostly due to CovOps cloak capable ships) and engaging higher end content in low/null/W-space.

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