Ok, so the alternative to playing the game is to pay someone to play the game for me. You certainly make it very clear you did not understand what I was talking about. Lol. I’m sorry, I don’t think discussing with you will lead to new insights here.
Yes, it is obviously not easy to achieve a balance between the needs of the defender and those of the attacker. But I think there are actually three sides to this, beause you can design or approximate the perfect balance from an in-game perspective all you want, if the resulting game mechanics introduce so much obstacles that most of the players can’t take part in it anymore it isn’t really helping. Maybe it isn’t a large problem and it just impacts a minority in this case, I can’t say that.
Well done cherry picking a single line to address and not reading or replying to any of the rest of it…
And also in not understanding that an MMO you might not be able to do everything personally.
I do believe you are right that EVE is not the game for you, though you forum warrior as well as most.
I played from around 2006 through 2011, then took a break until 2017. I have to say, coming back I’ve been pleased with the additions of playable content. There are still aspects to Eve that feel like a lot of work with little payout, but this is balanced by additional playable content (i.e. new challenges and ships).
A lot of my old buddies and my old corp have gone away, which is sad, but I’m happy that the alliance which I was in and what it stood for are still around. I don’t think Eve is dying, as there is more to it than ever, and I see plenty of capsules around.
What can be done to turn it around? I’m not sure that’s needed. Better advertising, perhaps. Or even balancing the loot drops to decrease some of the risks involved with PVP. As it stands, the most exciting content involves potentially losing everything you have, which equates to real-world money.
I’m sure CCP cares. They’d be dumb not to care. What are their motives? Ask them. I choose to believe they are working to make a great experience for players.
Yes, EVE is indeed an MMO which means most of the content is for groups of players. But in the case of wardecs I don’t see how incentivicing people to form even bigger blobs is helping. Or in other term, was solo wardecers the actual problem that needed fixing? Because that will probably be the only casualty of this nerf except of course for all the carebear dreams of the big mercs actually caring about a structure that is worth less than the cost of the wardec or some nullsec entity rescuing them.
It’s more that the population of the game is getting lower (half of 5-10 years ago) and low sec was never highly populated to begin with.
New pvp’rs are harder to come by since entry level pvp in hisec has been nerfed. Wardecs costing 2mil before 2012 were affordable to new players wanting to try pvp in a sort of controlled environment (it’s how i started), compared to the latest iteration with the cost raised to 100mil and requiring ownership of at least a 500mil structure. Old pvp’rs leaving are not being replaced by new and up-coming pvp’rs like they used to.
I was talking about the structure you have to put down to be able to declare war not about doing anything other than that. Why would a merc corp rig the structure if that isn’t required?
Still what I am focussing on is that the carebears are putting at risk something of real value when doing indy which I get the feeling that most people who are on the other side so to speak seem to downplay massively and they should not.
I looked at setting up a Astrahus to be really tough to take out for a small gang and I got up to 3.9bn in value. Oh well…
But do you agree that no merc will cry about a cheap unrigged structure they put down to be able to declare war? I mean you can’t even kill it in the time frame of a week, so all the “being able to do something to end the wardec” isn’t even possible for the defender.
It depend son the size of the mercs involved, and how many they lose, but it is skin in the game which to me is a good thing. I have the impression that they are fine tuning the play around the reinforcement timers.
But maybe that isn’t what they were expecting or “going for”. After all, it was still a choice of whether to be prey or predator. Maybe they just gave human beings more credit for being determined and intelligent than we actually deserved. Maybe they have learned their lesson and are adapting to their new informational environment. Maybe . . .
Well yes, it will probably hurt the small merc corp or the people not running regular wardecs. But for the established mercs I feel it’s not going to hurt even a bit.
You guys just don’t get it. This game became so popular because of risk and PvP. The highest player counts were during the times when the mechanics were the most open-ended. The game was FAR harder for a PvEer in those days but did they complain? No, because they had (and still have) ways to combat or counter LITERALLY EVERY strategy brought against them without needing overwhelming PvP abilities or force. All you have to do is study how the mechanics and incentives work and adapt.
At some point CCP completely lost touch with how their game functions (or possibly got greedy and wanted to get a piece of those juicy WoW profits which will never happen) and started pandering to the mob of snowflakes that destroys almost all games now-days. Sub counts plummeted. It was mostly PvPers that left. The PvPers that remain in this game have adapted more than any of the PvE players can ever imagine. They’re far more ruthless and have to be far more prepared than anything you would have experienced 5-10 years ago. Furthermore the game is FAR safer than it’s ever been but all the snowflakes are still crying.
The reason you guys are getting hit with mass wardecs and suicide ganking is because they are the only mechanics left, the only content left IS picking on PvEers because there’s hardly any PvPers remaining and there’s no entry level PvP to foster a young PvP audience. Furthermore the mechanics have been skewed so far in favor of the defender that there is no more room for small PvP entities to exist (which most PvPers prefer). This leaves you with nothing but EXTREMELY hardened and bitter PvP vets that have to band together in massive organizations to have access to any sort of consistent content. You shoot yourself in the foot every time you clamor for more safety. It has historically ■■■■■■ this game and it either stops, or the game dies. Those are your choices.
You can’t have your cake and eat it too. You have to learn how to protect your assets if you want to earn the privilege to keep them. That doesn’t mean you have to PvP, but it does mean you have to understand how the mechanics and incentives work. The same way I as a PvPer cannot fly anything I want anywhere unless I want to funnel real life money in the game.
If you cannot protect that citadel then you do not deserve to have it. The mechanics are already set up in a way where you can all but completely avoid losing one but instead of learning and adapting like PvP players have had to do for years, PvEers would rather be lazy and cry to CCP.
This is a claim. Now support this claim with evidence, facts, dynamics. On the face of it, it is absolutely true because PVErs can always logout. But, what about in game?