Nope, not at all. If people want to do small-gang roaming, they should be totally free to do that. But that doesn’t mean their low-effort playstyle should trump other playstyles. And yes, I said low-effort. 5 guys spend 2 hours a night roaming, and another hour prepping for the next roam. That’s 15h per night, or 105 man-hours per week.
2,000 people put in half an hour each a night keeping an eye on their space. That’s 1,000h per night, or 7k man-hours per week… invested into someone else’s play style. That’s without going into the work needed to coordinate that many people, to keep them together and keep them willing to talk to one another, etc etc.
And it also doesn’t include the fact that they’re also putting in 2.5 hours a night of PvE, each.
So, do you reward the 5 guys who’ve put in 105 man-hours of work to the detriment of the 2,000 people? Or do you reward the 2,000 people, and completely shut down the 5?
My response is: ‘neither’. You need to have ways for the 5 people to put in meaningful effort that will give them an opportunity to do stuff, but which doesn’t make the 2k feel like their work securing their space is worthless.
Similarly, you can’t have a game that does 90% of it’s marketing on the promise of massive empires and huge groups without acknowledging the value to the game of the labor those groups put into simply existing. Because keeping those groups together is work. It’s constant work, and it doesn’t end when you logoff.
For example: Every time Rise and Team Talos do ship changes1, I have to go through, with my team, and re-evaluate what’s possible, and how our fits need to change on basically evey hull in the game. We do that so the regular line guys don’t have to, but it’s definitely work, and it more or less consumes my free time for 3-10 days out of every month. And I’ve got one of the easier gigs in leadership. And keep in mind: that’s not even time when I’m playing. In fact, that keeps me from playing. But it’s gotta get done for the group, so we do it.
That doesn’t mean small gang play, or FW, or highsec wardecs, or literally any type of play style in the game is worthless or bad. But it does mean that a balance needs to be struck, and to strike the right balance of risk and reward between play styles that involve vastly different amounts of work, in and out of the client… CCP really needs to understand those play styles a lot better. Right now, they don’t.
1. For example, how this most recent update’s given us 130km torpedo bombers that do 2800m/s… because it was going to nerf stealth bombers, right?