State of The Game, 2020 Edition


And that’s about the only attention a post from a wee gamer boy roleplaying as a woman deserves.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

I understand that just fine, they’re in business to make money; however we’re free to disagree with the direction that they’re taking if we wish to do so. Whether or not our disagreement matters to them is beside the point.

CCP isn’t the CCCP where dissenters were chucked in the gulag and the keys thrown away.

If removing all PVP will boost profits by 0.001%, you better start warming up your barge.

You’re barking up the wrong tree there pal, at least as far as I’m concerned. My PvP is the markets and production, and my barge is always warm; I don’t shoot people in the face, I stab them in the wallet.

analyzing video games while I’m making money. LOL and stuff.

I responded to what you wrote. Not how you retroactively decided to qualify it.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Nah, you responded to what you think I wrote, questioning whether or not the people who make the decisions play the game was in no way related to your misguided little rant.

i loled at forst post

PvPer who cried for ages for local blackout cried that “hunting” got difficult

Blackout did nothing for pvp it damaged it and removed a lot of content (targets) in to offline mode

i LOL very hard when “PvPer” complain about farmers - if no one wil farm you will have NO ships to fly and nothing to shoot
we all know that so called “PvPers” always run if real pvp is about to happen
All these “hunters” always avid pvp if there is a chance to lose few ships

And here come the Imaginationland posts.

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What nullsec really needs is an NPC overhaul. Frigates on valium, only one in ten actually webbing or scramming, NPCs dealing close to 0 damage and dying the moment you look at them, remote reps non-existent.

It’s surprising people even care what happens to that content.

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I tend to just drop those sorts on the forum’s ignore function, much like Mr. Compensating there. :wink:

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All Kills According to Zkill stats

You couldn’t have picked a chronological graph?

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I did one but I think the heat map made the point better.

As you’ve often pointed out, causation and correlation don’t always ride together.

I was one of hundreds, maybe thousands, who quit over crimewatch.

Many of our subs lasted 6 months or a year after it rolled out.

Those times probably were fun for miners, watching us ineffectively try to find fights and drum up action.

They had all the advantages and we were still there keeping it interesting… as our numbers dwindled.

But what about now. Local chat is silent. There are no fleets. There are no fights. Just silent ships floating around grinding out more time.

Is that better? I find Ganking distasteful, I really do. It lacks the risk and gamesmanship I require. But where are you when it’s all just pve?

But what about can baiting? That was optional… and you had to opt in to lose in it. How was


This thread turned out quite well, I gotta say.
I gotta take more time reading through it.


That’s just wow. I must assume that walking animation is common nowadays,
especially for all these accord-line style korean games which all seem to be the same?

Gotta do everything to attract those teenage male customers, I guess.
Too bad the faces still look cold and dead, but I can see why that’s not a priority.

Female armour seems to have swapped utility for distraction.


How about dropping another question on the table.

Is there a sense that new players have changed over the years in terms of expectations, with the game currently attracting risk-averse, pve/isk focused pilots for whom the pvp aspect is a terrible nuisance instead of core gameplay ? In other words, are new players that join now “less balanced towards pvp/pve” than the ones that joined before 2012 ?

The reason for asking this is that it’s not certain that only changes to game mechanics are responsible for the dropping numbers, maybe it attracts more people less suited to the classic Eve style.

Not sure how to interpret “less balanced towards pvp/pve”.

CCP changed their target audience back then, so yes.
Now we’re in the process of this … process … being reversed.

Now they’re trying to attract people who aren’t concentrating solely on compensating their lack of pe wealth and stuff accumulation.

A polite way of saying “I just want to amass wealth, pretend I’m here all alone doing my own thing and ■■■■ everyone trying to mess with my pure pve game”.

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Yeah that’s pretty much who they’ve started attracting.

I remember a dev interview back then, where the dev called it “we have to expand our fanbase” …
… which, as we all know, didn’t actually happen.

Of course it was all ■■■■■■■■, just like “CrimeWatch is too complicated”. In reality, what they did, wasn’t making it easier … they made it less encouraging to try out shenanigans. The suspect timer is a literal fifteen minute death sentence for new players who try to find out what happens when they turn their protection button to yellow and start stealing ■■■■.

It’s a huge story to tell about the likely whats and whys.

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