Station trader roles in alliances?

Ah, yes, because people will gladly and freely share that information to their alliance mates. “Hey, I just made 2b in profits selling X Y and Z modules!, Why don’t y’all come on in?”

One of these days, you’ll grow up and stop fantasizing about non-existent bs.

There are no merits.
End of discussion.

You know what’s wrong with you? You have a peabrain.

You realize what I’m talking about is done every day in real life institutions with hundreds of billions of real life dollars

You’re telling us it isnt done in a game of allies and Corp members?


Dude, you should stop.

He is totally right and his explanations are totally clear ; plus he’s been quite civil in that thread, so I think you antagonizing him is really not something clever to do.

So what happens in an big corp market ?
Well the same as in Jita, just worse.
But you can kick people that are trying to play the asshole game, namely cutting industrials with petty cuts.

So what is the point of organizing together ? none.
You have a freighter service that is paid, and allows people to move things to/from Jita.
Then you have players that mine, or farm, and produce raw materials.
Then you have indus who use, move those materials and produce usable stuff (ship, modules).
There is no set role in the corp/alliance. Do what you want, don’t try to be a smartass or you’ll get shreded.

I also made the evaluation for the trade in TTT. those numbers are close to what I found. I’m not saying that they are 100% right, but they are in the range. Consider 20B per day a good approximation (after error margin), then divide by the amount of people taking a share in the cake.
base numbers, including sources, are here

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20B is way off their claimed 75B see fine print

It’s the same. Remember that you have things to pay, people to pay to bash structures around, people to pay to not bash your own structure.
I could have said 50B, it’s the same. I’m just conservative in the values I give.

It’s not the same. My point in pointing that out is TTT’s claim is nonsense. They claim 41B in revenue from 3 items that together comprise something like 90% of the market

There’s very little room to make another 30B off the remaining items

Also Scoots answer, like to everything else, is “it is too hard so no one does it.”

And was misdirected to internal Alliance trading hubs etc. Which wasnt the focus.

Who made that claim ?

You have to understand that many things have to be guessed, or evaluated by “feeling”. eg, the proportion of the items that are sold in TTT.

Also it depends on the values you are taking.
Example, I can take yearly volume (ISK) /12 to have a more meaningful value of the trades.
In that case the average volume of plex traded is 128.6T per month. If I take the last 91 days and divide by 3 instead, then I have 120.6T.
So total for plex, large injector, extractor, I can have with 0.5% gain, 1.2 to 1.3 T per month (total 262T exchanged per month average), or 43 B per day . That’s assuming all plex, extractors, injectors are sold in Perimeter ; then you can add the relist fee, and the cost of re placing an order if it expires (I have no idea for those).

So if you are like me, and assume 50% of the goods are sold in perimeter(that’s a minimum value, by far), and +0% of the items are relisted/expired (that’s the minimum), you get 20B per day.

If you believe that 95% of the trades are in perimeter, then it’s 40B per day. If you believe that 30% of the orders placed have to be relisted 10 times , you add 12B more.

no, it’s not.

There is just not the mechanisms to do it.

There’s a lot of things without mechanisms that players are doing. Scouting and Intel have no mechanisms but alliances do it…same with treaties and agreements

Yes, you have the overview and the local for that.

Yeah you have to actually go there to do it. You can remotely monitor systems in map as well.

For economics you can probe lot buys and sells.

I’m afraid I don’t understand what you actually mean by that.

The economic job in a corp is to be able to provide what is needed. Get stocks, build stuff, be ready to produce different things. It’s literally the same anywhere else. There is no reason to behave differently just because you are in an ally.

What I mean is there’s room for alliances to control and coordinate competition in Jita market itself.

Keep track of who is selling what. Try to bully markets for instance if they learn an enemy makes isk on a certain value chain maybe undermine it by subsidizing against it.

What do you mean ?

You can’t do that.

Then you are wasting money ; and your “enemy” is making money other place, and once you have wasted your money he will make same benefit he did before.

Y’all realize you’re arguing with someone who once made multiple threads re: the viability of orcas as a poor man’s carrier, right?

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Don’t know about trade alliances, but there were trading corps, most likely each member used to look after different groups of products.

If I ended up in an aggressive 0.01 isk fight, they used to sell me 1 item, so that they could see who they were up against. Had one trader put a bounty on me because of the 0.01 isk wars.

Or just to report you as being a bot.

Never had an issue, never used a bot, never would wouldn’t trust the people that wrote it plus can’t see the point of them. Still I don’t even use add-ons in MMOs. The way I look at it, if the MMO company is doing its job you shouldn’t need third party software to be able to play it.

You can’t get cleaner client than mine, only thing on my system is an operating system, security system and a game (up to 3, only 1 atm) which hasn’t been altered in anyway.

It’s actually why I don’t PvP in MMOs anymore as too many people use add-ons to give them an edge.


Alistair, sometimes it’s good to be stubborn, be creative in your ideas and look for new opportunities that others may not have thought of. And sometimes it’s good to actually listen to other people when they explain why something doesn’t work.

Don’t tell them they’re wrong, but ask them why they think they’re right. And listen. And leave the ‘superior’ attitude behind.

You may still be right, but you have more chance to actually hear the other side of the story that way.

An example of not listening and letting others know you ‘know better’.

Why argue about the validity of a guess when both numbers are the same order of magnitude? TTT makes ‘a lot of ISK in the tens of trillions’.

You came here asking for alliance level station trading, people supply you with the information (TTT, making tens of trillions of ISK a day) and you dismiss it as wrong?

Are you trying to get information on the forum, or are you trying to show us how smart you are?

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Bingo. You just can’t break molds unless you actually work on it.

Not every broken mold will be a masterpiece.

If I wanted to sit here and jerk off to meta-builds and do the same shjt every day that everyone else does I’d play Vanilla Minecraft.