Statues For James 315/Aiko/Uriel The Flame/Mike Azariah

In days gone by, we were allowed to have raffles in the forums. I raffled a countless number of capitals and Chribba was always the 3rd party. He always kept his word and charged a fair fee. The people that say he cheated him are the equivalent to Akio’s alts here. They intentionally lie and try to discredit the people that they’re jealous of.

If you’ve ever seen his fleet of ships you’d be impressed. It’s an odd ship, but his Revenant is still impressive (and not inexpensive).


If you know proper people, everything is possible. Chribba knew them or they contacted him, he had deals with them, and he delivered.

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Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh my! This really made me laugh hard, thank you.

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Says a Chribba alt.

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Well one thing he’s still doing that’s undeniable is running the EVE Offline monitoring site. That’s been of more use to the game than anything James3PO and his pack of snivelling lackeys has done, that’s for sure.

But he’s already got his statue, and sour grapes won’t change that for Aiko or anyone else. So maybe you folks could start arguing about the pros and cons of some of the others in the OP.


Please do not argue about me. I am just a humble carebear. Only sometimes dropping on capitals in null with the rest of stealth bomber pilots.

Chribba is Swedish. A strong aspect of their culture is to not brag about how great they are etc. Actually…that might go some way toward explaining why you seem to have such an issue with him…hmm…

Your trolling on this is just making you look silly.


So you don’t know what he did. Right?

If anyone feels that Chribba did something special, this would be the place to write a detailed essay with verifiable facts and sources about the wonderful things that Chribba did. Since Chribba did such amazing things, it would be to everyone’s benefit to record the epic history of Chribba. However, it seems nobody really knows.

Perfectly normal question to ask someone.

A short time ago I provided you links and told you what Chribba had done for EvE. (Do you recall me saying to you - “I was there, were you not?” That question for you remains, btw) Either you ignored that and easily found EvE history or you are trolling. I hope the latter as I’d like to give you the benefit of the doubt.

In any case Aiko has a ways to go to make even close to the impact James315 did on EvE, and Chribba was far, far, far beyond him in the impact he made on the game.

So kick the giant stone all you want, friend Aiko, what Chribba has done in and for EvE is already carved there and none of your mediocre trolling will change that.


Wait I think you are slightly wrong there with that LK…

I heard that Sargon followed her to Lowsec for some zkill padding.


20 Pilots to gank a Heron is padding!

I asked a honest question.

What has Chribba done?

If all you can do is call me a troll, and refer to fifteen year old self-promotion interviews, then it’s obvious you don’t have an answer to the question.

If you really cared about Chribba, you would be writing about all the wonderful things he did. You would want to tell the story, so that others would know. You clearly don’t know, which is why I’m asking.

Who is he?
No Results found.

Uh-huh… So the question I and others answered for you before? …k…

An overused term, certainly, but accurate in some cases. Would you prefer I suppress my desire to give you the benefit of the doubt on this and just say you are indeed the willful ignoramus you appear to be, then? Alright, as you wish. #sad

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Chribba # council-of-stellar-management:jita-park

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Jita Park doesn’t seem to have anything to read up on that pilot?

Like y’all mostly claiming Chribba is a HUGE Statue in New Eden yet what about some feedback from CSM?

It’s ok. If you aren’t able to answer a question, you don’t need to pretend to answer with a lot of snarky insults. If anyone has any actual information about Chribba, beyond linking a fifteen year old article, feel free to speak up and enlighten us.

Some of you are asking what was Chribba doing.

But nobody’s asking how’s Chribba doing.

:smirk: :wink: :blush:


Hey I sent an evemail I care to make actual contact with him.

I guess the answer is: Chribba brokered some big alliance deals. That doesn’t seem all that impressive to me. I like the big alliances about as much as I like political parties IRL.

I am pretty sure I read a story about somebody that appropriated some tournament ship(s?) from one of the big, dumb alliances and Chribba ended up ripping the guy off and returning the ships to the alliance, with some crap about them being “stolen.”

Chribba did more than broker supercap transactions. The widely-used third-party tools he made such as Eve-Search, Eveboard, Eve-Offline, etc became ubiquitous parts of the game. He was one of the players who stepped up and made tools for EvE that ccp should have done.