Probably too loud a name?
So what is the gist of the matter?
I put a buy order in the trading system and at the same time pay the full cost of the goods I want to buy, plus I pay a commission to the broker. The Order is created, paid, and posted.
A man comes and sells to me what I buy.
and here the most interesting !!!
I have already paid for the purchase of goods to the broker, but when I buy, I pay the price of the goods again !!!
What is it if not theft ?!
Of course, I can also lie, but you can check my words by entering the game and placing a purchase order for purchase. Remember how much money was withdrawn. Then sell the item to yourself and see what happens in the wallet.
The great combiner Ostap Bender, who knew 400 ways of comparatively honest money taking from the population, would envy the scheme from the ССР
Okay, double check your market logs to make sure you weren’t double billed. If you want, you can post a screenshot, and someone will take a look. Odds are this is just a misunderstanding. If it is not, however, you should file a support ticket.
It’s actually not your money. It’s CCP’s money.
It’s not even real money.
Definitely not your fake money in any case.
Therefore it’s not “theft”, because they can’t steal from themselves.
Possession does not equal ownership.
You don’t pay, when somebody sell you stuff, it subtract from amount you payed earlier and just show that sum in log. If you online in that particular moment, you can see floating “tooltip” with red “0”.
I don’t think you’re deliberately lying but …
[quote=“Solstice_Projekt, post:4, topic:227714, full:true”]
It’s actually not your money. It’s CCP’s money.
not stolen from me, but from my character. such actions will lead to sad consequences
maybe I’m a fool, but I can count!
when I put a dozen orders with the character, he had very few funds left. I transferred an additional amount to his account from the main account and then did not conduct any operations for a month. out of 100 million ISK only 2. where did the rest go?
no need to argue, this can be checked by entering the game
They already have
This thread
Vals Loeder
I don’t think you’re deliberately lying but …
I am a man, respectively, I can lie and be mistaken, but numbers are a stubborn thing
When placing a buy order you are billed for the total amount + fees; now when some one sells to your buy order, yes, a transaction record will be put into your wallet but no additional isk is withdrawn from your wallet.
It’s as ISD Sakimura says.
Look at it this way, when placing a buy order the isk is removed from your account (wallet) and put into another account which is also yours. That other account is used to cover the buy order so the amount will get less as you receive goods from that buy order. If you cancel the buy order you get the remaining isk back minus fees.
There used to be this skill called margin trading where you don’t put the full price of a buy order into the market and have to cover the rest from your wallet.
This sounds like what you are describing.
Lucky for your misunderstanding this skill has been removed so you can’t misunderstand anything.
Are you? And if you are; who cares.
I sexually identify as an Apache attack heli…
Aw shite wrong thread.
That’s nice, but is it relevant?
What would be helpful is a sequence of actions that allows to reproduce that double loss of money you described.
I’m with the OP here.
Taxation is theft.
Probably Broker Fees too!
Should CCP should be taking money from the good people, the producers, solely for the reason that they are good? I think not, for that is a work of evil.
So you think that money is the root of all evil? Have you ever asked what is the root of money? Money is a tool of exchange, which can’t exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal wlth one another must deal by trade and give value for value. Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce. Is this what you consider evil?
- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
OP, I suggest you find some like-minded people of reason to stand with you against the looting of your ISK by CCP. Maybe start with this guy:
If anyone knows how to get in touch with the John Galt of Eve Online, it would be him.
You can’t update such orders anymore? At least, that what patch notes said:
Existing <100% escrow orders will remain until they expire/complete, but they cannot be created/extended any more.
If it true, all <100% escrow orders will expire in June or earlier.
There are 2 fees associated with a market order - seller always pays the transaction tax at the time the transaction occurs. Brokerage is always paid by the player creating the order and is paid when the order is placed.
“Trading frictions” are a normal part of doing business in game or in the real world. Build them into your cost.
Man, asking on the forums how things work because you don’t fully understand them is fine. Willing to come to a public forum to let everybody know what a silly clueless whiner you are is… well, up to you…