Except the difference is there is a good bet on where the “defenders” will be at. invaders are helped by there being a limited area for the targets to be.
Just wait for them at the planets. That is where the filaments take you
And local makes this irrelevant. If a ship is already aligned and ready to warp once the attacker’s name appears in local the defender can warp out instantly and avoid any chance of being caught. So, since you think everything needs a counter-play, we clearly need a system-wide warp disruptor that can remotely tackle a target upon entering a system and keep it pinned in place while the attacker’s fleet warps in for the kill.
Bashing a structure prevents tethering. Also if you destroy it, docked stuff is locked for days, and you’ve won. But you want a win button which would simply prevent docking and tethering. You’re no pvp-guy. You’re safe farmer trash who wants targets who dont shoot back.
How structure bashing prevents filamenting out, explain? Which structure should defender bash to prevent roaming fleet escaping?
But what could the counter be to that. at least with mine there is the option to simply leave the system. there is no balance to that idea you are suggesting.
Bashing a structure containing a filament fleet prevents it from escaping you. Problem solved.
But you want a win button which would simply prevent docking and tethering.
No we don’t. This anti-tethering/docking module is proposed only to highlight the absurdity of OP’s “everything must have a counter” argument.
Which structure should defender bash to prevent roaming fleet escaping?
Whichever structure they’re docked in between roams. Blow up the structure and the fleet is dumped into asset safety for at least 5 days and the recovery fee is inflicted on them.
As to that my original idea now has a counter play in an easily killable structure. Probably one that’s quite expensive.
Good point. Everything needs a counter, after all. Perhaps we could have an deployable structure that prevents system-wide warp disruption, some kind of system-wide warp core stabilizer. And of course this would need a counter, so we need to add a module that shuts down system-wide WCS. And then we need a counter to the counter, perhaps another deployable structure that protects the system-wide WCS and prevents it from being shut down. Which would of course need a counter…
there is no balance to that idea you are suggesting.
There isn’t any balance to yours either. You just want a remote “keep my target from escaping” button that you can press to make up for your inability to catch a ship you want to kill.
Except there is counter to mine. at minimum 2 already. Leaving or destroying the target structure to lift the effect. Honestly thank you for joining the conversation as it gives me someone who has a negative view point to bounce my ideas around to flesh them out.
Pve ships cost billions, more than whole attacker fleet of pvp ships possibly. There’s no counterplay in locking down your peanuts. You hypocrite.
Defenders commit by placing the structure to tether to.
How do attackers commit? They get to chose target and opt with ease at any moment. So they dont.
They don’t have to.
They get to chose target and opt with ease at any moment.
Only if the defenders suck at baiting. Perhaps instead of whining on the forums about how hard it is to catch a roaming gang you should learn to PvP?
And there’s already a counter to filament escapes: baiting and probes/bubbles. Why do you need more counters?
Youre forcing your playstyle on others.
One id love to learn to pvp. But since the fleets always run away .0./. though you idea as something that can dropped and anchored after say 15 seconds to force a short no docking timer after this would help generate kills against pver and miners who are not paying attention
Lolwut. Are you even going to pretend to be anything but a useless troll? Pointing out that PvE ships don’t have to cost billions of ISK is not “forcing” anything on anyone.
So do a better job of catching them using the tools you already have.
good thing ccp doesn’t make changes to the game based on what it seems like to you
This all just comes down to you dislike the idea of there being a bit stricter consequences to using filaments and them not being get out of jail cards. this could all be wonderfully useful to create traps
This all comes down to you disliking the idea of not being good enough to catch a filament fleet. You have done nothing to establish why there should be more consequences to compensate for your lack of skill.