A Cyno-Jammer for needle-jack filaments

I want to prefice this with: I like needlejack filaments. Fast action, in and out.
What I don’t like is the 20 minute warping around to get out of danger without having to take a gate in a subcapital. If you know what you’re doing, it’s too easy to wait out the timer and filament to a random place in the universe and too hard for the defenders to engage for content.

After chasing “ESS Robbers” until they left system the same way they entered after they saw that we wanted to play, I was asking myself:
Why is there no deployable that prevents filaments from being activated in the system of the deployable?
Make it low HP so robbers can choose to yolo in to kill it, or make them take gates.
Or make it an upgrade for the systems, like cyno-jammers.
CCPlease? :slight_smile:

So they’re better at evading you than you are catching them, so you need CCP to fix it so that can’t get away at all? Why not just have their warp drive disabled entirely so you can probe them down at your leisure?


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No, not that. But nice try, i guess.
The point is that evading with nowhere to go should lead nowhere.
I’m not complaining if somebody runs for 20 minutes, safe-logs and tries again later.

The advantage is always on the side of the person running away. If you’re not stupid about it, you won’t get caught. It has nothing to do with the ability of the person giving chase.

But leaving the REGION with no way to intercept it (as I said, deployable interference is just more gameplay) is kind of cheap.

Or is your “you’re bad at catching people” meant to disguise that you’re afraid of more gameplay?

Like, what even is the point of your reply?
" :rofl: "

It does kinda come across as whinging cos you couldn’t catch your target tbh

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Maybe CCP could roll out a Dyson Sphere in the Fall update. That way you could wrap an entire null-sec system in an impenetrable shell…


sounds like projecting to me.
I just want more gameplay.

The irony here being that you are gurning like a baby.

I am simply observing your babying.

Pray tell, can you articulate how that constitutes “projecting” or are you just using words you do not fully understand because you think it makes you seem very smart (when in fact, it has the opposite effect)?

But they have somewhere to go, away from you.

Yes you are.

Then you absolutely suck at catching people and need to get better. If someone can evade you without leaving the same system long enough to safe log, that’s on you not the system.

You don’t realize this is how all of EvE works? On both sides of the battle?

Then how have others managed to do this for over 2 decades? Pure luck? :roll_eyes:

Typical. The misused buzzwords don’t work so you move the goalposts. :roll_eyes:

You can’t even catch someone in a system with limited destinations so you want to lock down entire regions now?

Face it, kiddo. You’re never going to get any traction begging CCP to make you less bad at the game. Your effort is better spent learning how to use combat probes properly.

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In my opinion using a filament shouldn’t instantly teleport you out of a dangerous situation.

Instead you should be channeling that teleport for 30ish seconds so that people chasing you can catch you if they’re capable with combat probes.

Safelogging has a 30 second delay for this exact reason.

Closing your client also has a 30 second delay before your ship is gone from space for this exact reason.

Why not filaments?

A cyno jammer against filaments is overkill and would interfere with the design of filaments (which is that people can pop up in random parts of space, even your completely bubble locked down pocket in null sec). But if your goal is to engage those ess robbers and create opportunities to fight without removing the purpose of filaments:

Add a 30 second delay to filament activation.


This would do it.

That works

Great job at insulting me and taking everything I said out of context, lmao.

That’s mainly the thought that inspired the post, and yeah, that would also fix it.
My mind went to a deployable since mobile observatories exist.
Just giving players the ability to counter something (which in turn needs to have counterplay) makes for better gameplay. Does not mean you have the module on hand when you need it either, unlike the 30s solution. But you’re right, they could just copy that system.
Anything that makes it feel “less cheesy” would make me happy.

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Sure I can articulate.
I opened my post with “I like needlejack filaments. But I dislike the lack of downside/commitment as an invader.”

That’s constructive criticism. I presented the reality of how there’s no way from preventing somebody from activating a filament in your system by taking a game-action. (e.g. using a filament-jammer)
(And by that I don’t mean ACTUAL “impossible”, but it requires the person getting chased to make major mistakes. I’m speaking “on average”, its way easier to run. And yes, I’m aware this is the case everywhere, but filaments move you from 1 point in the universe to a random other. The problem here is that you don’t even get the opportunity to chase people through different systems / a pocket, because they just leave with no way for you to follow. On that note: If the filament would leave behind a trace, like frigate abyssals the chasers could take, that would be also awsome)

I looked at elements in the game that would allow for interaction between parties and since cyno-jamming (even tho the strategical context is magnitudes bigger in cyno-jams) is already a thing, I came up with the idea of “wouldn’t it be fun if you COULD interact with people trying to filament out?” And my answer to that question was: “Yes, it would be fun.” So i decided to make this post.

How could you possibly get “I’m mad cuz bad” vibes from that? And there comes the projection part:
The only reason I can think of why you think I’m mad at the game is because you’re mad at the game.
I’m telling you in written words that I’m not mad at the game, I simply want the game to have more play/counterplay in area’s where it’s lacking exactly that,
yet you think I’m mad.
There is no indication for that, in fact, i state the opposite. (That the base-idea of filaments is great)

So can you elaborate? What else, if not projection, made you believe that what I said is not what I meant?

I can see how that’s not entirely obvious at first glance, but don’t assume I use big words to sound smart when I really don’t. :wink:

Did you just ask ChatGPT to scale “I know you are but what am I?” up to a 500 word essay?

I have no idea what’s that supposed to mean, english is not my native language and without having heard that saying, that string of words means nothing. (Edit: I looked it up, it seems to be a “no you’re stupid” reply for kids.
Rest assured that’s not the intention of my reply, I’m just genuinely curious as to how you’d come to the conclusion I’m “crying” about something, when I open the topic with the pre-amble that I’m not crying. /edit)

You asked me to articulate, so I did. Thought we’re having a conversation over here, my bad, i guess :smiley:

Also, to clarify, I want something that specifically prevents people from LEAVING the system. I don’t care if you filament in :wink: (if you have to take a gate or the pod-express to get out again)

On second thought, a system-installment probably is too oppressive, it should be a low-HP deploable with no reinforcement timer IMO.

Realistically speaking, I “won” the engagement if they filament out without getting the ESS (assuming that’s the reason they were there), but it does not feel like winning.
On the other hand, if roles are reversed, I always try to “gate out” after using one, because honestly, it just feels bad escaping like that and I can’t bring myself to do it. They make an efford to shut every escape-path down and you just blink out.

That’s honestly my only gripe with filaments. A 30s channel to use them in the first place would probably be the most elegant solution.

Oh, none of us needed clarity, we knew what you wanted from the beginning.

You need CCP to code you a crutch because you’re bad at catching ESS bandits.


I gave you the benefit of the doubt of not being a troll the first time around, but you really gotta work on your technique :smiley:

Whatever helps you cope, dude. Maybe you’d see fewer trolls if you were capable of receiving feedback. You throwing buzzwords you don’t understand in response to us pointing out the problem is you, not the game, only makes one person here a troll. Hint, it’s not me, pal.

It’s better to disappoint people with the truth than to appease them with a lie.