Sentinels of Lunacy is back and operational. We are looking for people to join us in Null Sec to make isk, LOADS of ISK.

We are primarily an Indy Corp but we need PVE and PVP pilots. Gotta keep the system Index up and keep the alliance happy.

I know you have read a dozen or more of these ads, so Im not going to bore you. We can offer all the same things others offer except we are cooler and more laid back :stuck_out_tongue: . We do not micro-manage our members. Its your game, play it how you want. We ask that you dont shoot blues, be in a fleet from time to time, be as active as real life will let you, work as a team, have some fun and make isk.

Any Questions? Shoot me an ingame mail. And btw, There is no wind in space.


You can Join our public channel as well, PUB ASYLUM

Recruiting Open

still open

recruiting groovy hippos

If you dont join us, your stranger than someone who is strange

still oipen

open again

still recruiting for indy, ratting, and pvp

still open

open recruiting

still open

still open

still open

still recruiting

open for nerds

still open

still open

still open

still open

still open