Stop the ganking start the pvping

I confirm this is true, my main is from 2008 and in 2008 people were saying that EVE was dyring, I always took it as a joke.

Nowadays I consider natural.


Since 2003.

EVE has actually been dying since 2014.

Yea i get what you are saying but we could expand the idea for like when the old system worked you won a surrender then you get 2 weeks grace period. Maybe the same when you kill the person? Maybe extend the grace period?

Ironic as you are talking to the guy who thinks people should be ā€œpunishedā€ when their words hurt his feeliesā€¦

Hang on, what? So being creative is:

Very creative there.

Why do people with no substance try to play tough guy. Itā€™s just a laugh.


Youre asking me to wardec you which is out of my control, however i am saying why not meet up and duel it out?

Im willing to fight you if you wish.

I missed where he said that because he didnt even reply directly.

Im happy with him ganking me or my corpies or allies if he seems em if wardecs are outside his ability.


Yeah sorry missed your reply.

Like I say, happy to be ganked, but as a duel will result in your victory anyway, we could call it 1-0 to you and me punished for saying mean words to you if you want?

VOV whatever suits best.

Sounds fair enough. But at least i offered a 1 to 1 fight. Gotta explore all options

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And I respect that, man. I do.

Tbh I think your probably a good egg.

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You too mate, i hope you do well as well.

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Make a formal thing and maybe call it a Grudge Feud.

gf :crazy_face:

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I feel that this is true, Xuixien, having joined in 2013 and been witness to a slow but inexorable decline.

Many causes have been posited; hereā€™s a new one:

If you know anything about Icelanders, youā€™ll know that they have quite a ā€˜darkā€™ sense of humour (self-described, I believe).

I imagine this coloured early iterations of the game, so that behaviour which would not be tolerated in games originating from other parts of the world, was encouraged - nay - celebrated by the gameā€™s then-designers.

As time has gone by, those originals have mellowed, or left, and their replacements have increasingly turned their eyes outward, to the wider world, in trying to establish a successful brand by appealing to representatives of a broader base.

Icelandic faux-malice was replaced, in Nullsec, with the frat-humour of organisations like the Goons. It wasnā€™t wildly different from the Icelandic type.

But all humour has a ā€˜victimā€™, a subject, if you will. As the western world has grown more anxious and sensitive about victimhood generally, the explosion in those parts of the globe of mental ill-health, stress, and anxiety, has forced our noble Icelanders to re-evaluate their product in the light of significant trends.

EVE is perhaps changing rather than dying. Of course, to some, all change is loss.


Everything has seasons. They come and go. Each one brings changes. Either adapt to it, or cry on the forums to keep it all the same.

If ganking gets nerfed, Iā€™ll adapt and move on. Find other forms of gameplay. If it gets a boost, Iā€™ll adapt and move on.


I should frame this, Axā€™l; it has been my guide through EVE and through Life. Thanks for saying it so succinctly!


I think we should get back to what OP has said. Before this devolves into an EVE is dying thread.

It would be great to kill someone in HS beyond ganking/wars. Many have appeared to agree. ^^

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Well, at least they had a hypothetical duel, and established a clear winner through forum-posting.

So, still a few rungs on the ladder higher than what Dracvlad has ever achieved.


Now now, the poor chap must be in tatters now ā€œole Liz 'as popped 'er clogsā€, as they say.

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Rubbish, ganking is always fun.
Our Princess has ganked 15859 times and it gets better every time.


Constantly going after a player is considered griefing unless I say so.

Duels be like