Stop the idiotic lowsec instalocking camps

:heart: That killboard is glorious sight! :heart:

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There is a problem with that POV. What you want, others might not. Likewise what they want (PVP in hi sec), you don’t.
Can’t please everyone any of the time.

7B Marshall lost to a NPC gank also.

CCP made it so nobody is safe if not in titan with doomsday. Well, maybe also in cloaking ship, that can warp cloaked. And a very fast aligning frigate maybe. Did not checked that.

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I didn’t.

It’s right there in the eve faq if you read it.

Shouldn’t faction NPCs have faction tags at least?


You sure about that? How many of FW members are actually for pvp? Is it more than 10% of all population?

I don’t think FW is any different from Exploration or 0.0-sec. Something like 5-10% of players go there to have pvp and others to farm some ISK/LP/whatever.

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Fantastic! How did you manage to remember and find this thread after 6 years??? :hushed:

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Yes i’m sure FW was designed for PvP gameplay.

It was first introduced in the Empyrean Age expansion (2008) to offer players a stepping-stone into PvP (player-vs-player) gameplay.

What bots do with it, or even the greater population does with it, isn’t really important. FW has an unambiguous function. If its failing at that function, then maybe people should ask for a re-think (which they are constantly, if they haven’t left fw altogether). Or if it’s function has changed, let people know that it has and watch that go down like a lead balloon.

But even beyond all that, PvE should lead to content someway somehow right? But as far as i’ve seen, these are getting in the way of content rather than enabling it. Like a UI that is getting in the way of the player. I haven’t seen anyone talking about how it adds depth to their game, just butthurt bears sticking it to low sec players.

Than pleasing pve with the coming changes cannot be against your will…pvp is now spoiled since 2003…radical concept in your eyes i know…

Depends how you read it I imagine, but that aside, It certainly doesn’t say it is an exclusively PVP game.

Because PvP is griefing, why are you even playing this game?

Back tracking and changing goal posts.

The essential core concept of eve online is fulltime pvp in a sandbox environment.

Section 7

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To clarify further this is taken from the above.

Furthermore, as we mentioned previously, once you enter New Eden you must consider every action you take as a form of PvP since this is the core game concept. In the asteroid field you’re competing with other pilots to obtain resources; you may also have to defend against ore thieves. On the market you battle for control of the economy in certain areas; for the supply and demand of your products versus other aspiring tycoons. On the battlefield you may fight for glory, for money, or for the right to rule whole areas of space.

TL;DR PvE is PvP


Quoting a five year old post to back up the current fantasy that things are still the same under new owners?

Like I said before. If you have deluded yourself into believing the opposite of what the evidence is showing, I feel sorry for you.

Claiming things are different even though no one has said so. Not even the new owners. (infact the new owners said it was business as usual for eve).

I’m going of the latest information. What are you going by? Prayer?

It wouldn’t take much for ccp to update the info. So why haven’t they?

Which one of us is deluded?

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the npc shouldn’t be catching sub-2 second warping frigs and even shuttles …

Just went through a LS Incursion area last night and found a mess of wrecks at the gate leading back to HS including a Stiletto and at least 3 shuttles, all victims of the NPCs. Thank you cov op cloak and my Stratios!

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Because I want . Done

Damn. Good find.

Ever been instalokied? I have.
if players can do it, so should faction navies. What are are asking for is lame content. Are we not tired of lame content? Or is good content only what you say it is?

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