Storyline mission levels

Do Storyline missions you get after doing 16 level-1 missions give the same amount of reputation change as Storyline missions you get after doing 16 level-4 missions? Also, if they are different, does the penalty decrease at higher levels?

So nothing states that the storylines are the same level, just the closest one to you is the one you get.

As far as standings go, if your social skill is trained. You do earn more standings than without the skill

The amount of “reputation” change you receive is directly related to the “reputation” you already had, as explained in NPC standings - EVE University Wiki . The real question is how much a (storyline) mission grants percentage wise as standing increase for finishing the mission, the value needed in those formulae.

The “penalty”, assuming you’re talking about declining or canceling, follows the mechanics explained in the above link. The higher your standing was, the harsher the penalty.

Eve University’s entry for Pirate Radio describes that mission as level 3 storyline, so I’m not sure I follow what you are saying.

That link was useful.
“Completing a storyline mission: Small to moderate faction standing increases depending on the level of the mission.”

You have a skill called social. The higher its trained, the more standings you get per mission

If it’s not detailed on the eve uni wiki, you will not get it here. But at least now you know how it works. If you can find a list with the percentages for each (storyline) mission, I’m interested…