Followup storyline question

Do higher level storyline questions give bigger standings gains/losses compared to lower level storyline missions?

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All storyline mission agents are level 1. Certain storyline missions give more standing than others, but it doesn’t matter if you are doing regular missions for a level 1 agent or a level 4 agent, all storyline missions are the same level. For example, if you run 16 L4 Distribution missions and you get a storyline mission, even though you were running missions for an L4 agent, that storyline mission will still only be level 1.

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Yeah, the Storyline Agent is definitely tagged as level 1 but the missions they offer are pulled from a specific group that’s expressly created for each specific level of regular missions.

Sure those Agents may offer the same Storyline mission plot for different levels but each mission will have it’s level of difficultly and amount of reward scaled to match that specific level of regular missions.

In other words, if you’re running regular lv 3 missions, the Storyline offer will be pulled from a group of lv 3 Storyline missions. If you’re running regular lv 1 missions, the Storyline offer will be pulled from a group of lv 1 Storyline missions.


Thanks, DMC.

So, the difficulty is adjusted, that makes perfect sense. But, to my original question… does the standings bump (or hit) adjust, i.e. do higher level storylines give bigger standings adjustments?

Edit: Just saw where you said “amount of reward”, so I guess that means the standings are bigger for higher level. Thanks.

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Yes they do.


Yeah, both rewards and the level of difficulty for the Storyline mission is scaled to match the level of regular missions previously completed. That also includes all standing changes, both direct and derived.

On a side note, if you’re looking to change / work your Faction standings, check out ‘The Plan’.

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