What? I’m just asking what they would bring over bombers you’re the one dancing around the question to keep an argument going.
No pizza then. Fine, have a nice day.
What are you on about now? Is this just some meta joke about how there isn’t actually a niche for this idea?
What are you on about? Oh, don’t tell me, you about trolling this section of the forum because it’s easier to do.
You’re the worst troll I ever met in my entire life.
I agree with @Lugh_Crow-Slave ,
For starters the idea of them having no covops cloak…make them a liability and about useless as tits on a bull, a waste of resources, better spent on actual stealth bombers…or something else at least.
And it seems the only real advantage they have is two launchers? Anyone who’s actually done bombing knows that’s not all that helpful.
My idea is to make it helpful. You can help me flesh it out to have a clearer picture of this potential new ship line.
Some advantages I see:
- Less pilots to train and operate
- Greater rate of fire per pilot
- Greater survivability per ship
But the counter to the huge damage potential of a successful bomb run basically is the flimsy glasscannon design of the ship, so you can remove or threaten the bomber-pilots with fast-lockers/fast-tacklers to make sure their bombrun - which has to potential to score huge hits on the enemy fleet - involves a high risk doing so.
What is the counter to your battlecruiser-size bombing ships that would outweight their damage potential?
With two launchers you drop a max wave of 7 down to 4 that’s not a lot.
This let’s me think you haven’t done bombing runs very often. Theirs a reason most groups only require level 4. The extra capacity and fire rate of the t2 just isn’t actually helpful most of the time for traditional bombing runs.
Because either
A all targets are gone after the first launch
B it takes longer for you and your targets to be in a good position for a second run than your cooldown.
This could be great, except it’s not true with what you described. The small sig and cloak of the standard bomber is going to make them much more likely to make it out alive.
Ontop of all of this the only reason bomb runs are successful at all is because of the very small window to react between bombers decloaked and bombs detonated. An uncloaked ship like this would not stand a chance hitting anything with bombs.
this does not matter…
too many bombs in place will destroy/cancel each other out.
bombs fired to close to the first group…will be destroyed before trying to detonate.
I think you need to go on some bomber fleets and stuff to better understand what you are even attempting to discuss.
Alpha Strikes are a biatch versus slow moving target
Since you are interested in debate (as you say), allow me a honest question:
Your char has spent more than year in an NPC starter corp and recently a year and a bit in a corp that looks like being focused on industrial stuff with very little actual PvP experience. I can’t find you having ever done real fleet-warfare or covert-ops warfare where bombing would have the most impact.
What exactly makes you think you have the experience and knowledge to actually understand what you are trying to change? Because most of your statements here seem to hint that you actually don’t know how bombing works (the mechanics behind it and the tactics to make them work or fail).
No offense, really…
As someone who comes from strategic RTS and 4X games I’m looking to enrich mine and your gaming experience by suggesting interesting concepts to the game. My concept is purely just that concept, suggestion to include well known and established concept that is familiar to other mentioned games and by the extension, real life.
As I established in my post, I haven’t declared definitive use or specifics of the idea, but merely started the discussion for veterans like yourself, I assume, to put some constructive feedback and suggestions for further discussion. In conclusion, I’d like the idea to come to fruition in some shape or form and not to be easily dismissed with subjective assumptions. If you can’t put this concept into x/y/z, then don’t and let others that can.
Good question. I’d go with the answer that is applicable in real life, long range AA and interceptor engagement. Since my concept is based on large defensless vessels, long range targeting with cruise missiles or railguns, also small maneuverable ships would overwhelm it by having convenient attack angle. If we tlak about front bomb deployment, flanking it is the most viable solution. Brawling is also an option since strategic bombers may reload their bombs and be fitted with smartbombs (maybe?). Getting ‘under its guns’ and tackling is the way to go. Of course, surprise drop or miscommunication on bomber’s side would also play critical role in taking them out.
I was even thinking of specialized bomb launchers that can fit L sized bombs with bigger, adjustable ranges. In some cases smaller faster ships may get missed by incomming bomb volley and outrunning its effective radius (talking in a scenario where tackles rush towards the bomber at high velocities, bomb flies by them in opposite direction to the set range before exploding).