This has to be a troll, right? I say this because I also attended the battle you were in, and I know your FC was competent, there’s even a twitch vod showing this: Twitch
~80bil worth of Rorqs died on the fleet you were on, I’d say 300mil is a drop in the bucket in comparison.
In the event it is not a troll I can offer you two options:
wait in system until a WH to Thera spawns, at that point msg me and will get you in a fleet and get you home.
for 5bil we will attempt to roll WHs until we land in your constellation, at which point will get you in fleet and get you home.
As stated above
Not a bug. Wormholes have only so much allowed mass and time. Also 300 million STFU try getting stuck in a Carrier. One flight of my figjters are worth more.
Not really sure why the ISD is removing GM correspondence when it was stated to be allowed to share it last I knew.
In any case OP, assuming you mean you were stuck on the way back and they put you back in the nullsec before the chain home… that’s pretty rough. A lot of that area is camped and the gates are too far from the nearest celestials to d-scan your way around easily. The only reason I managed to bring my HIC back safely was the help I had from friends with probing for an alternate route, I think in this case it would have been fairer to put you where your fleet went assuming there was no likelihood you would have died by following them, which is what you would have been doing if you weren’t stuck.
It seems to be that ‘generic responses’ are allowed to be posted, but ‘specific responses’ are not, from what I’ve been told, though I did not see what the removed responses related to.
the bug is, i could not move for 30 min and not that the WH collapse. it collapse while jumpprocess. So maybe its bad luck…better would be, thats the WH spits me out and i can go in time.
From what I gather him and his mates were heading back home after some operation. The hole collapsed at the same time he jumped and resulted in a weird bug where he did not enter / exit the wormhole as expected and he became stuck in a limbo state where his ship was trying to enter / exit a non existent hole. He contacted GM because he had 0 control of his ships navigation as a result of this glitch. During him waiting on GM intervention his fleet left him behind and continued their trip home.
The GM got around to his ticket and un stuck his ship and he was now able to navigate his ship. However by this point he missed the train home and is now stuck in hostile space where if he never experienced the bug he would have:
A. Been stuck on the side of the collapsing wormhole.
B. Flew with his fleet mates back home.
So I think the point of contention is did he actually enter the wormhole before it collapsed.
He believes he did enter the wormhole before it collapsed and that due to the bug and delay in intervention he missed the train home.
At least that is what I interpreted. Not saying anything about how it actually happened or was handled as I am just an observer.
The OP is also afraid of nullsec - don’t forget that point. According to him it is suicide to travel through nullsec and he might >>gasp<< lose his 300kk ship!