Subscription fees

I would love to play the game again, but I personally cannot come around paying 20 Euro per account for some hours of fun a month.
Been playing since 2009 and stopped playing more than 2 years ago.

Why not creating a new clone type for a time limited Omega account.
Let´s say: 10 Euro for 50 hours of Eve as an Omega.
Seems enough for the casual player, playing 2-3 nights a week for 2-3 hours and maybe some hours on the weekend.

I´m sure, there have been other pilots with this idea before, but I would like to keep the discussion alive on this matter, since I do see a chance for CCP to make money and also a chance to get more casual players in into the game.

Your thoughts?

I think there is a subscription for a few days, like 7 days or 2 days or whatever. I could be wrong because so far I have gotten packs that include 1 month or 3 months + SP + SKINs…

I don’t think CCP will be creating a new clone type anytime soon if ever.

Have you tried the


Gives you 72 hours of Omega for 3.75 €, in case you want to pay very small amounts just when you want to play.

You could also go the other route to pay less than 20 € a month and buy the 24 month pack. No need to bother planning out when you play, you just pay 9 € a month (when bought on one of the regular 20% off Omega sales) for your subscription. That’s what I do, because I too don’t want to pay 20 € a month for EVE.


No I have not tbh. If this offer also is for returning veterans, than I appologize for not having done my research properly :slight_smile:

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I think it’s available for all, but I’m not sure if it’s always available.

It’s not found under the ‘Omega’ section in the store though, but under ‘packs’.

it tends to not be available when you have events on that offer the faily rewards

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