Eve is not new player-friendly. Why are these types of sites in high-security space with no warning that failing to hack the site can result in losing everything? Why is there no chance for me to have prevented losing the entire ship?
There was no warning after the hack that another attempt may result in an explosion the ship and shields cannot handle. Even in Star Treck, Captin Kirk fought against the Kobayashi Maru as being completely unfair because it was an unrealistic scenario where there was NO CHANCE to succeed.
I do realize this issue is not a bug in the game, and hardcore players can argue there are sites to help new players know what type of sites to avoid trying to hack, yet there are those players like myself who are casual players who do work jobs that take a toll (I’m a hospice visiting nurse working with terminally ill patients with six months or less to live who often die in weeks to a handful of months) and just want to enjoy the game without feeling the need to go back to school in order to have fun.
To me, there should be certain areas in the game that are more forgiving to new players especially when the event/issue is PvE vs. PvP.
Thank you for listening/reading.
P.S. I did learn some things:
Avoid hacking any site for now as I have no clue as to what sites are safe/unsafe
If I’m tempted, dock up and store anything important in a station (granted, I’m not a fan of busy work and this comes across as busywork).
Try to use lesser value ships for exploration… but I do like the idea of one ship to do most things – aka Enterprise. I.e. I’ve used a Heron for this, but then find combat sites the Heron cannot do that the Jackdaw or similar vessel can do. Then there’s busywork of traveling x jumps to get the right ship and y jumps back hoping someone didn’t get to the site first.
Without the risk of loss exploration is pretty lacklustre. Wormhole diving, lowsec, nullsec, even hisec all carry risks that are a natural part of the game and make your gameplay more exciting.
I have lost more exploration ships because I find the thrill of pragmatically testing things myself is much more rewarding and entertaining than simply following the known tricks and methods. This isn’t for everyone, but to each their own. If you don’t want to lose ships then google or check the now common sources for guides and videos. Know your sites.
Simple rules to make your Eve experience better:
Don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose.
It is not yours until it is in your hangar.
Bookmark, bookmark, bookmark. You never know when you need to get back to where you were.
Be bold. You never know what you can achieve until you push the limits. Take the loss and chock it up to experience. You are a better pilot for it.
There’s this wonderful new tool called Google Search…
…and I do hope you checked that none of those MTU’s you so courageously massacred belonged to some fragile ‘new player’ who might have been forced to leave the game from the shock and pain of their loss…
Make a skill that allows new-ish players to dock on carriers, board a new fighter type made for 1st person piloting, and have players pilot said fighters Eve-valkyrie syle.
It’d give newbros an opportunity to be more involved in big fights and if the fighter buffs are worth it, carrier pilots would haul them around. If done right, this could be super cool. It’d create whole new dimensions to the capital meta such as individual skill of the fighter pilots, 1st person shooter style, and a taste of large-scale fleet fights that new gamers of today read about and got them interested in the game.
Make a skill that allows new-ish players to dock on carriers, board a new fighter type made for 1st person piloting, and have players pilot said fighters Eve-valkyrie syle.
It’d give newbros an opportunity to be more involved in big fights and if the fighter buffs are worth it, carrier pilots would haul them around. If done right, this could be super cool. It’d create whole new dimensions to the capital meta such as individual skill of the fighter pilots, 1st person shooter style, and a taste of large-scale fleet fights that new gamers of today read about and got them interested in the game.