Suggestion: Industry visualization

A long time ago, Eve had a pilot’s quarter that player can walk around and check out the docked ship…etc. Personally, I’m kinda sad to see it was gone when I got back to Eve after a decade.

Industry part of the game is nothing but a spreadsheet, just icons and tables. For more immerse experience as an industrialist. It would be great to see the progression of manufacturing visually, in stages. For example, manufacturing a ship that takes multiple days would have different stages of manufacturing. Starting stage you see a skeleton of the ship been constructed in shipyard, the ship looks more complete as time goes on until the job is completed.

Basically, turns the pilot’s quarter idea into factory scene.

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Animation of manufacturing

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Not a quick thing to do. The code for CQ has been removed (because it was getting in the way of the 64 bit client updates, amongst other things.)


Neither was that pointless Air Career Program they just released. But they did it.

Not easy and not quick are poor excuses.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Uhh, you say pointless, a lot of people say “a lot better than the older NPE”.

As for an excuse, it’s not immersive. And certainly not worth the time it would take to implement. (especialy when I could have 11 different jobs on the go, on a single character)


Not that specifically. But some form of character gameplay is inevitable. CCP/PA can’t have missed how much Star Citizen is pulling in and it’s not even a legitimate game. Just a wishful thinking generator.

So we might a well start giving suggestions now rather than whining starting the day after it goes live. And from a pure business perspective, character gameplay will have a massive jump in new player retention over the current “lipstick on a pig” strategy with an NPE that just doesn’t work.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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And after 3 years of CCP just developing this you will say but where is the eve content?

You will enjoy it for the first 30 hours and then stop appreciating it, it would be a lot of dev work for very little reward.


Star Citizen is nothing more than vaporware. It will still be in Beta 20 years from now after it’s been crowd-funded to the GDP of a small country…

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Cool. We’re on the same page.

And it looks like you agree that it pulls in more money as vaporware with a promise of walking in stations than EVE does with it’s badly optimized ACP. Or ever will if it stays with NPE instead of character based gameplay.

There was a time when all you’d see were the words Star Citizen and it would be like a red cape to a bull. You’d attack without reading the other words in the post. I’m glad to see you’ve matured.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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EVE is ships in space, not dressing up and playing Ken and Barbie in stations. That’s never going to happen…

I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree on that one.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

I got to disagree, even if they shut down now, the render pipeline made in vulkan would interest some people around.

You being emotional about it. There’s a lot of stuff working already, they “just” need to bring scale to it.

So vaporware is not a term I would use to defined SC, a scam is more likely. Doing stuff spending the triple of the resources? sure.

If CCP went along with every players’ whim it would take more dev teams to pay, more time spent on minor stuff instead of new ships, mission rework, more content based on lore, better npe… then the subscription would jump to 25$'…
Only a minority of players want CQ back. Turning it into some sort of industry simulator isn’t exciting at all. There’s Factorio for that.


As long as the career missions are the same is IS the old NPE. The bolted on achievements dispenser just makes it MORE confusing for newbies.

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And that’s why you bought or farmed these shitty clothes for your character and dressed it up like a Karen-Ken. You are confused.

CCP goes along with lots of stupid player whims (see Blackout, see Capitals need to be in everyone’s hands (Rorqual Madness years), see everything needs to be destructible (structures). That led us to a much better game indeed.

An industry simulator is actually a much better idea than anything they have worked on in the last 10 years. Especially since we are going to get hangars with all our ships visible in it, hangar-fly-in scenes that are useless and only cost resources and time, and some kind of achievement system. All of which are also player whims. Introducing a factory visualization is quite a good idea in light of this.

Plus, they have not worked on a mission rework in the last 5 years; the new ships they introduced were either totally overpowered or completely useless (trigshits vs edencom); more lore based content is not to be found and the last few times they did it were total and utter disasters (both in terms of quality and implementation).


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That’s why they need to work on those first before plying to crybabies’ useless ideas.

Too late, we have Factorio for that and it’s better than anything that CCP could come up with.

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Yea I know right this hanger thing is… at this point we need to start learning game design and challenge Eve its the only way.

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