Suggestion: Make Cheaper Omega Passes

Not everyone uses Steam for EVE.
In fact, most people definitely don’t.
You have to take CCP’s price, not Steams.

Yeah and those are mostly cancer and can ■■■■ off. They don’t value the product.
They just feel entitled to playing. You seem to be part of this group, or share that idea.

You really want people around who don’t value the product?

How ■■■■■■■ stupid would that be?


It’s true, most players don’t use Steam to play, out of the 18000 players right now, 3500 are playing from Steam. So they are a minority.

I’m not sure about the question whether I want them (F2P players) or not. Since I don’t really judge them whether they can afford a sub or not. If they have fun with a product, isn’t it better to let them play something even more fun to keep them around? Perhaps we have different perceptions of players, and yes I do like to have more players playing on Omega. Whether they sub with cash or PLEX.

Indeed, exploit of Alpha alts having a cheaper way of activating will be exerbated. It is a valid concern. It is already being done, just that it can make it worse. I wonder in the past, when PLEX was much cheaper, was this an issue that affected the game? Was it exploited badly? And did it get better after PLEX prices increased? I dont have answers for this, I always assume supercap pilots are rich enough anyway. So it wouldn’t really change much in the end. Just that they won’t sub for 30days, and instead can choose a cheaper option.

My suggestion is to reduce the amount of isk needed to tryout Omega. Not as a way to keep grinding 7 day Omega passes. But as a way to grind a lower amount needed to check it out for the first time.

Perhaps there is a way to implement it so that it is only available for players below 20mil SP or 10mil SP. Therefore restricting it to newer players. Or make 7day pass or 10 day pass unable to use Capital ships. Would that make it more acceptable?

I would like it for casual players to be able to sub in for shorter periods well, since they aren’t going to sub for 30 days anyway, a 7 day or 10 day pass might seem attractive enough. Just limit it to non-capital ships, and restrict capitals in order to prevent any exploit.

You’re completely ignoring the important point.

Let me repeat it for you.

Your perception on the matter is irrelevant. Fact is that those who refuse to pay anything are shitty players to have around. Fact is that my last post still stands. Fact is that your arguments are ■■■■■■■■, because they’re written from the perspective of someone who feels entitled to be playing for cheap.

Fact is that your idea will only make the price of PLEX go up enough that it doesn’t come as easily affordable as you wish, which will prompt you or some other short sighted genius to come up with a Single-Day-Pass to make it more affordable for people to sub. That’s how this is going to end, you genius.

This makes you look like you’re one of those people who don’t value the product,
because all you seem to be seeing is yourself, mistakingly believing everyone thinks the same way.

No one needs or wants those. They’re a cancer.
They’re selfish. They don’t care about the game or anyone else.
They only care about what they can get.

The people who play as Alpha and are happy with it, even though they’re not Omegas … those we want. They’re good. They value the product. At some point they might or might not reach Omega. They’re those who can’t pay simply because they can’t. They’re fine. They don’t complain about not being Omega. They value the product and accept their situation.

The only ones complaining about Omega being too expensive are the people no one wants around,
because they’re assholes. The ones who can afford, but don’t want to, because they’re feeling entitled. They’re a cancer.

That’s reality.

It’s often enough reality visible on the forum, too.
These people are a cancer and they can ■■■■ off.

You being clueless about those people doesn’t change jack ■■■■ about it.

edit: accidentially a word or two.


It is the only argument that matters.

That’s why f2p pariahs should ■■■■ off from my EvE.


As I see it, there’s three ways to play:

  1. Omega - pay for subscription & have fun with whatever the Omega game offers
  2. Alpha - don’t pay & have fun with whatever the Alpha game offers
  3. Omega - plex for subscription & grind ISK to be allowed to grind ISK again next month

If I understand your argument for ‘cheaper omega’ correctly, you want to allow people an easier progression from 2. to 3. through 7-day Omega passes instead of 30-day Omega passes.

While a 7-day Omega pass would allow non-paying players to get Omega status quicker, it won’t allow them to make use of the Omega ISK methods quicker because after 7 days you will barely have any omega skills, making the grind to keep up your Omega status much harder the first time after going Omega, as opposed to a situation where you had enough time to obtain enough for 30 day Omega, because the latter gives you 30 days of Omega training.

My guess is that 7-day Omega passes will lead to lower player retention, as it puts new players into the ‘grind ISK to be allowed to grind ISK’ threadmill much sooner than their skills allow.

I see your point now. You are against players who feel CCP should offer them more incentive to sub. Entitled to be an Alpha and only care about themselves profiting from the incentive without caring if it affects the overall game or not. Well if you put it like that, I guess they would be pretty annoying to have around since they would be always asking for ‘free’ just for hanging around. I’ll be honest and say I didn’t really thought about those guys at all when I made the suggestion.

My initial suggestion to allow a new Alpha player to try out an Omega quicker is just to hook on players who otherwise wouldn’t sub coz it took too long to do something interesting. An early try out can make them decide to sub for good, instead of grinding till they are bored and gave up half way.

Yes, you have my intention right. The progression from step 2 to step 3, is a ‘high’ barrier of entry. They have never played Omega before and all they know are Alpha gameplay. So they grind for their 1st Omega sub, but get bored halfway and gave up without getting to try it out. A shorter Omega pass like a 7 day Omega which I saw was also available on the Steam Store, might prove to be a closer objective to strive for. Hence the suggestion to allow the same 7 day Omega, in the PLEX store.

I believe you aren’t the only one that pointed out the possibility of introducing a shorter grind cycle instead. Which would eventually make the player burn out. I’m not sure if that would happen but I guess it is a possibility. I just think if more Alpha players get to play Omega sooner, they will stick around longer.

Your idea …
… is not …
… an incentive.


Yes. They’re stupid enough not to listen to everyone who tells them not to do that …
… and you’re defending these idiots …
… or they’re assholes not valueing the product, while still playing it …
… and you’re defending these assholes.


Yeah you think, but you don’t really understand anything about this. That’s simply not how this works. What you’re mistaken as “incentive” is actually called “bait”. In the end the people are still the same assholes who don’t value the game. The same assholes who’ll eventually cry for a One-Day-Pass, because the Seven-Day-Pass got too expensive. The same assholes who don’t give a ■■■■ about the game and only care about themselves.

I’m saying it again:

You want more people who don’t give a flying ■■■■ about this game,
because they don’t want to spend money on it.

You even wrote that yourself, but apparently you can’t think it through
and definitely can’t think beyond that. Sure. That’s okay. Sad for you, but whatever.

I’ve said what’s important to say and your short sighted,
unqualified opinion doesn’t change anything about them.

Anyone who can’t afford the sub should either get a job …
… or spend his time differently than playing video games.

The people you’re “supporting” with your idea aren’t people we need around.
We already have enough of these assholes and I’m quite happy they’ve become less.

That’s all.

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you do understand the players drove the price of plex up and not CCP yea?

CCP has no control over the price of plex, it is player driven.

of coarse there is a way, it just doesn’t make sense for a new player, they are not getting anything special within 7 days of training as an omega. what you are suggesting is breaking the current sub from 30 days to less than 30 days, should people be allowed to pay a sub for 7 days with cash also?

good luck getting CCP to do that :wink:

yea the ones that only need a charactor active for a couple of days :wink: kinda casual players, no thanks, would be abused inside out.

not possible. but hey if a CCP dev wants to correct me thay can.

it’s just a really bad idea skidd.


Problem with this is people would buy 1 day passes and start their 30 titan industry jobs, get their PI once a week and people who currently buy 30 days to play on the weekends would only buy 3 day passes for the weekends

Something like this hurts CCP’s bottom line

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Prove it. Veteran alt accounts do not count either. Prove the F2P players provide the population.

You have repeated yourself so many times I think it’s just what you want. I dont see an army of F2P players in here backing you. Most posts have been against your idea, plex is fine as is.

Again this sounds like you are only talking about yourself. You do not speak for the F2P players. I’m sure many start that way then say yep here is my credit card and buy 6 month sub. Some are content with the limitations ( that are not limited enough in my opinion ) and just enjoy the game as is. And of course some work up to plex for omega. I dont think there is a standing F2P community that is saying hell no we wont pay a cent, besides you. No evidence what so ever that there are many out there with the means to pay for omega that want omega, but will not pay due to some F2P imaginary code.

To top it off this idea would not make omega cheaper as you thread title is suggesting. As you and others have posted the shorter the omega time is the more per day you pay. That is not cheaper.

If this did work out and many people began to use these short term plex options the price of plex will go up. So a 10 day plexed account could end up costing what a 30 day is now or close to it. Hell no!

What he said.


Here’s a thought, One day a month pack your lunch at home rather than purchasing it and pay for a subscription.
Of course this tactic requires that you have an actual paying job and that you aren’t simply waiting on Mom to call you upstairs.
Alpha accounts are like ticks on a dog.

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You don’t “try” Omega. You try as an alpha, and if you enjoy the game then sub up, or join a blue donut in null who will let you rat to your hearts content to grind for Plex.
Grinding for Plex as a new alpha is just stupid. Maybe ccp should change and get rid of alphas and just do the 7 day trial again. Alpha is nothing but a extended trial compared to what it was. Entitlement is strong in this one. Sub up or grind. Your choice. But, your ideas can be beneficial for those who actually participate in the game for nefarious reasons.


ok lets say you can have a 7 day sub for 117 plex … and after the 7 days you are alpha again … what is the benefit? you cant you your omegaskills … you cant fly your omega ships … you cant do you omega missions …

you need another 7 days of omega … every 7 days … and you pay for it n plex like it is with the 30 days omega for 500 plex … a 7 day plex omega is maybe 125 plex … so 30 days would be cheap …

so it or not … a new player should sub with $, €, pound or whatever they want … so they dont need to grind … if ythey can make enough isk for plex they canbuy more months with plex anyways but if not they pay again in cash or they play as alpha

noone says “piss off if ou cant pay in cach” its F2P so just du that … as a alpha … its ok …

on steam you pay in cach for 7 days … i dont know you wrote that … so think about that … in CASH … money … not plex … so if you want the same from CCP it would be cash for 7 days … 30 days with plex …

“Actually the barrier is USD 7 instead of USD 15, as you can buy a ‘7 day Omega pass’ in the Steam Store for USD 7.”
yea … 7$ for 7 days … not 15$ for 30 days … thats really better … for the seller at least … you need 4x 7$ for 28 days thats 28$ and you still have 2 days more with the normal subscripten fee … if you buy 1 month …
if you buy one year its 11$ per month … or with 7 days for 7$ subscriptin arround 19 weeks of omega …

just THINK befor you start such trash threads …
you dont want to do something fr new alphas … you want something for you only … how about a 1 hour plex sub? just for the fight in the titan or a 4 hours carrier ratting license …

btw. there is a “new player discount” … 30 days omega for half the price to try omega … its one time only but after 30 days you should know … in cash not plex …


There’s plenty of “benefits” to plexxing for only 7 days instead of 30 for 117 plex

You can start up a bunch of industry jobs that are normally omega only, and they’ll finish even if you lapse back to alpha
Same could be done for Reactions and even PI

You could inject that free SP in your alpha account into omega skills, or extract alpha skills for only 117 plex instead of 500

People who normally buy 30 days of plex who only play on the weekends can now only buy 7 days, meaning CCP gets less money from those people because they buy on the weekends and it extends to the next weekend, effectively meaning they spend a total of 234 plex instead of 500 plex a month

I can see plenty of reasons for people wanting plex to be 7 day, and those reasons are exactly why CCP won’t do it. It hurts the bottom line with less people needing plex, driving down the number of people buying plex from CCP.
The ideas do have plenty of benefits, but they’re all solely for benefiting a specific group of players

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