Objective of this is to encourage new Alpha player retention, continuous interest in Omega content by casual Alpha players and to boost overall server population and player content.
Currently there is already an equivalent 7 day Omega pass in Steam Store. So this isn’t something new or revolutionary. So why isn’t this same option in the New Eden Store. Why can’t we buy 7 day Omega passes with PLEX?
New Alpha players has a high barrier of entry into Omega due to the current 500 PLEX needed for a 30 days subscription. Current market prices is about 1.7bil isk for 30 days of Omega. While this wasnt a problem before when a 30 day sub can be had for less than 1bil isks, currently it is quite hard for Alpha players with limited skillsets to build up their isks for a sub. Of course it isn’t impossible, it’s just takes a lot of effort, time, and luck.
As a result, most Alpha players that get bored being stuck at 5m SP cap and grinding with limited equipment. Also being restricted from other content and high market taxes. It is harder to make isk and the grind slowly bore them into leaving the game, not being able to ‘enjoy’ the content EVE has to offer.
Suggestion to make it cheaper to sub by breaking down the sub into 30 days, 10 days & 7 days.
30 days = 500 PLEX
10 days = 200 PLEX
7 days = 150 PLEX
It is not equal division and it is definitely more worth it to sub 30 days for 500 PLEX. However, although it is more expensive days/PLEX, it is faster and affordable to access Omega content.
New Alpha players gets content faster and cheaper. Being an Omega allows them to play at full potential. Also being an Omega allows them the potential to make isks easier, hence the increased probability of continuous sub with PLEX.
Retention of Alpha players would improved as they are less bored due to limitations of Alpha. Also it is pressure off their shoulders to earn for 500 PLEX. Trying to earn 1.7bil in 30days, is harder for new Alpha players. While 700mil for 10days don’t sound too bad. Boredom and frustration due to limitations of Alpha vs Omega affects all Alpha players.
Casual veteran players in Alpha are more likely to sub in for 7 or 10 days, due to their real life commitments. A weekend of roaming might entice them to drop some PLEX for 7day Omega pass to use their favourite ships during a roam and fight at full potential. This can encourage casual veterans staying around in Alpha clones to sub once in a while.
More ‘micro’ PLEX usage that can increased sales and demand of PLEX. Which would result in more PLEX sales for CCP. The slightly more expensive subs is also good for total sales. It is easier to sell small amounts for higher prices than large amount at discounted prices.
Although not Omega, but perhaps MCT passes can also be broken down into smaller packages. For example, an Omega players might want to train the New Precursor frig for his alt, he can buy a 7day MCT pass and use the 7 days to train up the frig or mods.
Although it doesn’t guarantee Alpha will remain subbed to Omega for long term, it will at least encourage more Omega tryouts sooner before a new Alpha player gets burn out trying to get enough isks for 500 PLEX.
Casual players are more likely to sub for short term Omega due to real life commitments. As it ‘wasn’t worth 500 PLEX’ for 30 days that is hardly played, a casual will more likely sub for 7 or 10 days during the holidays, weekends, low peak periods, etc.
Possible cons;
Potential exploits includes standby Capital, Industry, Trading etc. Alts has a cheaper entry during time critical operations. However I think most of these guys can afford 1.7bil whenever they need to but it is now possible for smaller corps or lone multiboxers.
Potential increase in demand can inflate PLEX prices that will render this exercise pointless. As PLEX becomes more expensive in the future, it might even be cost prohibitive to afford a 7 day pass. This can be curtailed by increasing supply of PLEX sellers by making PLEX cheaper in CCP store. Or we can just allow market forces to stabilize over time which might be too late as surge in prices can make too many newbros leave in the mean time.
So is there some hidden danger of selling 7 day or 10 day Omega passes at the New Eden Store?