Superior Sleeper Cache - Turret Room

Ok, I have ran my fair share of Superior Sleeper Caches in my Astero and never had any problems with the first two rooms, but the last two times I tried the Turret Room, I got wrecked while MWDing towards the Repair Station after sucessfully hacking the Turret itself.

I can only explain that with MWD now being an agression!? What gives? How do you resolve this issue? Just slowboat over? It IS a fair distance, still. Or simply a bug, twice?

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blown by ?
did the can explode ? Or the turret aggress you while they should be shooting the turret ?
Did you request a reimbursement ?

I got killed by the Turrets while MWDing to the repair station. It worked fine countless times I did exactly that before.

I am wondering if the MWD is now the problem as it is supposed to be with Plasma containers or causes in some other way agression to the rest of the hostile turrets.
I did not file a bug report yet since I dont know if it was just me or working as intended or whatever.

Does the entrance to the site was hacked? Nvm, sentries start attacking “your sentry” after first hack in that room.

Sometimes the room is bugged. I succesfully hacked the sec container and the other additional sentries still spawned and insta shot me. I opened a ticket and got the Astero at least recovered.

2 Tips:

  • Hack the security container and slow boat to the healing thing. When you see a 2nd yellow message in local just put your MWD on once. Be as far as possible away from the sec. container and as close as possible to the warpgate thingy.
  • If you fail to hack the healing thing just warp to the other room and wait. Even without the blue turrent the other sentries somehow lose health over time and disapear

Or get a T3C and blow the room !

the answer, as Maxwell wrote, is that you need to wait 2-3 sec after you hacked the turret, until the SECOND MESSAGE appears in local, wich ends by “maybe it is possible to help it?” or somethg like that, and then you can burn to the repair station.
If you burn before the message appears, hostile sentries may shoot you
It happened to me several times in the past, but never happened again after i decided to wait for the second message before moving