Supporting CODE Was A Mistake

What is furry ffs ?? Someone explain please :speech_balloon:

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I think a furry is someone who believes they sexually identify as an animal, usually dogs/wolves, cats, etc.

I would take any reaction on a stream with a grain of salt - streamers are here to entertain, and nothing entertains more than drama. If they were genuinely affected by internet spaceships blowing up their internet spaceship + twitch’s well-known toxic community, that’s just a sad part of life as a streamer.

Calm down, miners.


That means they sexually prefer animals ? As natural result zoophilia we call it in psych…
i never heard the term “ furry “ before .
It stands up for someone identifiying self as human but sexually not human but a furry animal? Some type of rift in personality ? Or kind of dissociation ?
One way description doesnt cover anything in this case .

Also OP. Your attitude is not professional.
You are making generalisations … @Victor_Medvil

If there is some serious situation you can ticket it …

Nobody backed me up when i had been harassed for months .And it did not cause my streamer numbers top… since i dont stream … so no side gain for me even .
Your friend will know these if ( it or she or whatever prefers stick here ) will play

Nice CODE advert by the way.

Wait ! Did you just imply that whole player base who prefer this type of game play are sexual harassers ?

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This is, ofc, bollocks.

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This is also bollocks

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Im trying to measure the dimentions Ramona :sweat_smile:
It was question …i dont know …

Sorry, all it means is that a person either likes artwork of or draws artwork of characters that have animal characteristics.

There is just as many nonsexual interests as well as the opposite in it as there is in any other art movement.

Its just an art style thats all.

Oh that it is ? THank you so much ! Really

Ffs when i read the OP post naturally these type of questions popped up…

Than OP very decptive really

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There are strong feelings people have regarding it and people are quick to call something they can mock as “perverted”.

Of course, as with anything theres always some who take it too far.

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Well no matter what, I am as well CCP and many other players sensitive about that type of harassment of course…

But what disturb me here is…
Whole playerbase group blamed and smeared for one or small group of players actions…


Even lets say OP teling truth … and lets say something verry nast happened …which doesnt seems soo up at thread someone link the twitch and analyse it …which there is no issue with safety leader at all if so That is something should have been handled by CCP already !

He cannot just come here and spread some stuff on whole player base …

That is big NO NO.


:rofl: :joy: :joy:

I don’t know. I watched the stream that was linked, and all I saw was a Classic Highsec Suicide Gank. The stuff in the chat was largely dross.

I was, however, disappointed that the streamer’s Pod escaped unscathed. Implants or not, it’s always good to snag a Pod if you can.

If you’re a streamer, work it into your stream; use it as a teaching opportunity or something.

A whole lot of drama about…what, exactly?

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Attention, looks like


When did fury become a sexuality?

Also I was only there for part of it but I’m pretty sure the guy was targeted do to a combination of him running his mouth and being on a steam while flying a multi bill fit ship.

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I gank for profit or to correct poor behavior. That doesn’t fit your definition. I’m not out to harm or intimidate anyone


Don’t pretend that’s all it is. I ran security for double tree hotel in Denver who hosts one of the larger annual fury conventions. The sexual aspect particularly in the art is not only prominent but generally the most attention grabbing thing.

The furry community is the largest contributer to its reputation. These people thought it was okay to let young children into an auditorium where they were auctioning explicit works. Because it’s “just art”

It’s not the entire community its not even the largest but it’s the loudest part and the rest of the community doesn’t discourage it. So don’t say it’s just people who don’t like it trying to mock them by calling them perverted.

I dont believe I did.

In fact I said it had extremes just like normies do.

Not all straight people are incestuous but some are vOv

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Reading anything into a highsec carebear’s golem getting ganked (and the associated bloviating in chat channels) is about as meaningful as trying to read the future in tea leaves.

Attacking people for their identity is bad, but let’s be real - broadcasting on stream you’re a furry and cluelessly doing casual highsec stuff is going to put a big target you for the serious spacenerds.


Yeah but most will shun the incestuous bits. Most in the furry community will get upset if you try to shame the perverted ones.