Surgical Strike and Conflict Promotion

Sad part here is you actually believing what you just wrote…

Cozy bubble you live

Just one question…

What is easier than killing an unarmed ship,something you want and argue about??

So if you WOULD want to ‘make it harder’ you should argue FOR a pvp free high because PVP would be harder after that because you only would be able to kill ships that are able to bite back in low and null :slight_smile:

And yet CCP is acting according to my position while ignoring your demands, and CCP’s CEO is continuing to make way more money than you’ll ever have. It’s funny how I’m supposedly living in a bubble but you’re the one being ignored by everyone who has an opinion that matters.

Only if the goal is to make it harder for PvP players. If the goal is to make it harder for bad PvE players so that skilled PvE players can profit at their expense then highsec needs to have danger and destruction.

You know dam well that ccp only listens to the goon dominated csm buddy…and the goons elect only themselves into csm due to their sheer number…

The solo induvidual has NO voice here…

Clearly double standards here…

And why is that? Because they see more money in listening to nullsec CSM members than people like you? It’s almost like CCP agrees with my position here…

PS: I thought farmers like you were supposedly the majority? Why can’t you get anyone elected to the CSM if you have so many people in agreement with you?

The solo induvidual has NO voice here…

Then perhaps you should organize and fight for the right to speak and be listened to. But you won’t, because that would require effort and skill instead of passively farming your menial PvE content all day.

Celarly double standards here…

What double standard? That I’m willing to let highsec PvP players get easy kills if it means that I make more money on all the PvE stuff I do?

No that you only allow things in your favor to be ‘easy’ and things that are not to be ‘hard’.

That’s the sole definition of double standards…

You are aware that I don’t do highsec PvP, right?

Not relevant…

Only what you post counts…

Dear Ferro, quite to the opposite. Yes, conflict and opportunities for combat are reduced by Null gone somewhat static and more concerned with big wars. PvP (or randomly shooting at ships) in hisec also reduces real combat opportunities, as PvP-minded pilots are wasting valuable combat time by lurking after trade ships. Concord should be strengthened by handing out more severe security standing losses for unlawful ship kills, while empires should punish same unlawful ship kills within their hisec areas by faction symp losses. This way PvP players would be directed into lowsec and Null and receive more opportunities for fights. Conflict would return to the zones dedicated to it, ereyone wins!

I believe you have missed the fact that highsec is also a zone dedicated to conflict. It just has different rules for that conflict.

Not missed at all. Still players should be nudged towards combat zones (low and Null), without making lawful (wars) and unlawful (piracy, ganking) conflict impossible. Just the latter could be a tad harder for the attacker, by boosting the consequences. A mere matter of balancing. No worries.

You clearly have missed it since you continue to not call high sec a conflict zone.

You always lose your ship when ganking. What more do you want?

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I measure the goodness of a patch in the amount of Balos tears it causes. According to my measurements in this thread, this is an absolutely GIGANTIC and marvelously spectacularly good patch that has probably the potential to revitalize EVE.

If CCP keeps this up we will have salt stockpiles full for the next two winters just from the forums alone.

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As if you wouldn’t know, valued capsuleer: Because you can shoot down a ship many times the value of your cheaply fitted gankboat, while yor pals (presumably all very nice and friendly lads) will take what’s left of the victim’s and your vessel. Also, a well-suited attacker could easily afford loosing many blasteraxes and whatnot, while the loss of a mining or transport ship means much more for a less fortunate player. This situation asks for rebalancing.

Actually no, if you chose even the right hull for your mining ship it costs the ganker x-times more that what the mining ship is actually worth. The tools to balance this are already in the hands of the players.

If you as a miner chose to pick a yield optimized setup, that is balanced with a bigger risk to get killed.

What you don’t get to have is the yield min/max optimized farming setup AND perfect safety.

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Less greed, more tank.

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Poor kitten.

Mate, you obviously never collected the salt from killing the offgrid links!!

It was glorious xD