I like frustrating gatecampers, so there’s part of my motivation for more paths to Syndicate space from Hisec, but also, I’ve long thought that more systems in Hi/Low/Null/J-space would be a plus.
Shameless bump for Syndicate!
Borealia, odd post considering you dont appear to actually live here with us n syndicate?
But i agree with Rovinia, some new novelty type items would be nice; some sort of Intaki Syndicate police ship line; maybe police destroyer and a cruiser? a fast nulli shuttle or a shuttle you cant cargo scan for ‘drug runs’; nothing directly overpowered just more ‘a bit of fun’.
But tbh the only thing syndi could probably do with is lowering the security a little more perhaps and have some sort of SOE and serpentis events going on from time to time - hell even some form of cosmos agents that dissappear and re-appear in different places for short periods.
But then most of eve could probably benefit from this - but remember; ORE space is miner space, Cloud ring is well, supposed to have a lot of booster clouds and Syndicate… supposed to be booster production city with its own faction that are basically gallente, not pirates but not quite shiny clean either.
Thukker tribe and great wildlands (and in other areas) are probably needing a bit more love than syndicate tbvh.
For me it was the region i first called “home”, before i embraced EVE entirely and ended up shooting at the people i used to think of as friends
Back in the days when informal alliances were a thing
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