and I tested a random wh and got this “spectral_class”: “K4 V”,
I know this is a class V wh, because I googled it. So im assuming that V is where you can get the classification.
However… is there any documentation of how that will always be formatted, and what the K4 means? ALso, what will it look like in null, low, or k space?
A K4 star means the star has a surface temp of between 3,900 and 5,200 Kelvin. the V is the Morgan-Keenan Luminosity Class of that star; which means that the star in your WH is a main sequence dwarf star
Look up the Hertzsprung–Russell Diagram.
So unless CCP defines WH class by the luminosity of the star in each WH, it’s prob just a coincidence.
Very interesting stuff. It probably is a coincidence after scanning through a little bit.
I see some websites can tell you what class the system is, so there has to be a database, or lookup somewhere.