What is *security_class* of a system?

In the ESI response of the /universe/systems/{system_id}/ route, see EVE Swagger Interface, there is a value in the model called security_class string.

What is this value for and is there documentation for it?

From the output of a system detail query for a route for example, it is a combination of letter classifications with numeric subclassification.

PS> Get-EveRoute -OriginSystemName jita -DestinationSystemName dodixie -RouteFlag insecure -ShowSystemDetails -Parallel |select route_index, name, security_class, security_status|ft

route_index name         security_class   security_status
----------- ----         --------------   ---------------
          1 Jita         B              0.945913136005402
          2 Ikuchi       A              0.986814618110657
          3 Tunttaras    B               0.88531219959259
          4 Nourvukaiken B              0.816556751728058
          5 Tama         C1              0.28255569934845
          6 Sujarento    C1             0.311135679483414
          7 Nagamanen    C1             0.304725885391235
          8 Deven        D2             0.317772477865219
          9 Fliet        D2             0.345510542392731
         10 Heydieles    D2             0.306625187397003
         11 Old Man Star D2             0.335686594247818
         12 Villore      D1              0.50650942325592
         13 Erme         B              0.798155605792999
         14 Botane       B              0.875440120697021
         15 Dodixie      B              0.868406713008881

How do I interpret this security_class for ingame usefulness?

Quick search suggests it refers to the ore types.

Yes I saw that, but, not much further detail on it.

What specifics to do with ore types?

How is the classification and subclassification done?

@CCP_Aurora @Steve_Ronuken
Maybe they know

I always assumed it related to:

1 Like

Some systems have no security_class classification at all.

PS> Get-EveRoute -OriginSystemName 'new eden' -DestinationSystemName '4-HWWF' -RouteFlag shortest -ShowDetails -Parallel |where {!$_.security_class} |select route_index, name, security_class, security_status|ft

route_index name     security_class    security_status
----------- ----     --------------    ---------------
          1 New Eden                 0.260553807020187
         42 DAYP-G                  -0.392761290073395

PS> Get-EveSystemKills |select -ExpandProperty system_id|Get-EveSystem|where {!$_.security_class}|select name, security_class, security_status|ft

name    security_class    security_status
----    --------------    ---------------
Akidagi                 0.444938838481903
S-1LIO                 -0.100362598896027
Hasama                  0.271440237760544
WW-KGD                 -0.179159358143806
Hikkok…                 0.342755079269409
Aivonen                 0.377330243587494
Hykani…                  0.24685937166214
Pyneka…                 0.239632815122604
Reitsa…                 0.189510479569435
Tsuruma                 0.542633414268494
Kinakka                 0.415623009204865
XFBE-T                 -0.185925513505936
Uuhula…                 0.492079496383667
Uchomi…                 0.494726926088333
Kedama                   0.33846440911293


New Eden is a bit of a special system (as the first system that people coming from Earth encountered after taking the EVE gate in lore) but I don’t know why a random system in Vale of the Silent, DAYP-G, would also have no security class classification, whatever that may be.

Secret sauce doesn’t apply here since it is emitted from the ESI route.

Total systems

PS> (Get-EveSystems|measure).count        

Systems with no security_class

PS> ((Get-EveSystems|ForEach-Object -Parallel {Get-EveSystem -SystemId $_ | where {!$_.security_class}})|measure).count

Yes I asked the computer at the end of universe and the answer is not 42.

Thus 39.06342620035566093657% of the universe has no security classification.

Total number of wormholes (J numbered systems)

PS> ($EveSystemDetail|where {$_.name -match'^J([0-9]){6}'}|measure).Count                        

All wormholes have no security classification

PS> ($EveSystemDetail|where {$_.name -match'^J([0-9]){6}' -and !$_.security_class}|measure).Count

Wormholes (J numbered systems) make up 30.84765856550088915234% of the universe.

Thus 8.21576763485477178423% of the universe excluding wormholes (J numbered systems) have no security classification, giving 693 systems of the non wormhole universe, has no security classification.

PS> ($EveSystemDetail|where {$_.name -notmatch '^J([0-9]){6}' -and !$_.security_class}|measure).Count

There is some 400 systems named ADnnn and V-nnn, also with no security classification.

PS> ($EveSystemDetail|where {!$_.security_class -and $_.name -match '^AD|^V-([0-9])'}|measure).Count                                      

I presume perhaps Abyssal (dungeon) space and something else, VIP perhaps? 200 ADnnn and 200 V-nnn systems.

So that leaves 293 non wormhole and non ADnnn / V-nnn systems with no security classification, thus 3.47362181387077652638% of the universe that is normal space has no security classification.

PS> ($EveSystemDetail|where {!$_.security_class -and $_.name -notmatch '^AD|^V-([0-9])|^J([0-9]){6}'}|measure).Count
PS> $EveSystemDetail|where {!$_.security_class -and $_.name -notmatch '^AD|^V-([0-9])|^J([0-9]){6}'}|select name, security_class, security_status|ft

name       security_class       security_status
----       --------------       ---------------
DAYP-G                       -0.392761290073395
WF-1LM                     -0.00190049782395363
D95-FQ                    -0.000212492246646434
ZSPJ-K                    -0.000276011764071882
T-P7A6                     -0.00135155359748751
U1F-86                    -0.000552583020180464
Y-T3JJ                    -0.000881463405676186
F3R-IA                     -0.00163099204655737
OVFN-N                    -0.000594331242609769
74-YTJ                     -0.00405423529446125
8-RS3U                    -0.000464034819742665
1Q-BBM                    -0.000488844467326999
WXNC-N                    -0.000553670339286327
X-L6BO                     -0.00131741364020854
G-EA07                     -0.00105687463656068
D-PHUA                    -0.000938275712542236
3-HXHQ                     -0.00248626107349992
18A-NB                     -0.00163915567100048
3-J5OQ                    -0.000714749505277723
GYF-GD                     -0.00209203246049583
W-6TS9                    -0.000613000884186476
VIG-VR                     -0.00178526877425611
N-FJBK                     -0.00123911525588483
KX-P5C                     -0.00109760544728488
2-4ZT5                     -0.00143632479012012
NVN-6F                     -0.00184914073906839
09-8TH                     -0.00201430544257164
TI0-AX                     -0.00173494941554964
7O-POM                    -0.000103849612060003
L6Q-SX                    -0.000158046575961635
BFJ-TB                    -0.000255321268923581
ZZ7-L6                    -0.000125282022054307
L-CHVW                    -0.000103804297395982
X0LN-U                    -0.000496234802994877
RQAE-M                     -0.00033279595663771
7CO-SA                    -0.000364859879482538
4G-E5A                     -0.00078033865429461
A-VWK9                    -0.000224296454689465
JQHP-4                    -0.000164897690410726
6Q5K-5                    -0.000252992118475959
P-MVFP                    -0.000172000480233692
J-Z1UW                    -0.000938658777158707
W477-P                    -0.000331896619172767
NQ1-BL                    -0.000770446145907044
HP-PMX                    -0.000459678471088409
K7A-G8                    -0.000664660183247179
6BN-K9                    -0.000409864267567173
WLE-PY                    -0.000818282947875559
EH-HXW                    -0.000340381608111784
V4-GZL                    -0.000244307215325534
OS-RR3                    -0.000635340344160795
4C-Z91                     -0.00162076950073242
1S-1V7                    -0.000898321915883571
RU-97T                                       -1
PE1-R1                     -0.00221072253771126
Polaris                   -0.000633367104455829
JB-007                     -0.00117050076369196
USJ2-M                    -0.000198119145352393
7M-RAL                    -0.000265716284047812
LPBU-U                    -0.000174742497620173
RF-342                    -0.000156723559484817
J2V-XY                    -0.000297674356261268
S-QNXH                    -0.000128069630591199
Z-JBTR                    -9.02817046153359E-05
S94-X8                    -0.000203586809220724
J-YQEC                    -0.000330874579958618
8MX-OR                    -0.000437273294664919
V-AMD5                    -0.000506137148477137
97YC-C                    -0.000497761589940637
U-JC8X                    -0.000210001264349557
1HH3-E                    -7.08587249391712E-05
DUIU-Q                    -4.96268403367139E-05
LQH0-H                      -3.080647366005E-05
FRW3-2                    -3.73501825379208E-05
9MX-1C                    -4.24615391239058E-05
IED-4U                    -5.45917682757135E-05
N-9EOQ                     -3.1399198633153E-05
6F3-TK                    -9.37667718972079E-05
2E0P-2                    -5.31533369212411E-05
U-ITH5                    -4.55663757747971E-05
RB-2EA                    -4.24573190684896E-05
YRZ-E4                    -1.27467337733833E-05
N-4G5L                    -7.74434447521344E-05
A3-PAT                    -1.51419062603964E-05
ZK5-42                    -0.000125111939269118
H55-2R                    -1.36963190016104E-05
P6-DBM                    -1.88258090929594E-05
9XI-0X                    -1.06743673313758E-05
Q8T-MC                    -7.73087685956853E-06
Z-YOJ9                     -0.00151337054558098
4T4B-L                     -0.00195359764620662
F-JB3H                     -0.00376608758233488
XBO7-F                     -0.00424003461375833
FI-449                     -0.00428438698872924
UA7-U4                      -0.0059208027087152
VM-QFU                      -4.641481609724E-06
PU-1Z8                    -4.95208678330528E-06
IEZW-V                    -3.21223001265025E-06
B-DXO9                    -1.82219662292482E-06
1TS-WN                    -9.83596805781417E-07
16-31U                     -9.7093902695633E-07
H472-N                    -1.34434606025025E-06
U8MM-3                    -8.47324645292247E-06
3C-26I                    -8.51444019644987E-06
9K-VDI                     -5.3489457059186E-06
L-SDU7                    -1.65692708833376E-05
4-IPWK                    -8.58214571053395E-06
Q-KCK3                    -1.65342244144995E-05
Atai                          0.481113880872726
PZP1-D                      -0.0882636904716492
R1KE-A                      -0.0716436952352524
JGDF-B                       -0.165761291980743
1SR-HT                       -0.120075233280659
SQ-2XA                      -0.0779834389686584
Z-FYJR                        -0.20794340968132
ZA6-9N                       -0.154185444116592
J1-6CJ                       -0.148091822862625
7H-Z5R                       -0.130372330546379
0RZ5-2                       -0.227535635232925
A9-NB6                       -0.124111391603947
LG1-TA                       -0.294646024703979
TNK-BQ                      -0.0417542234063148
E2AX-5                      -0.0336218997836113
HPE-KP                      -0.0339432246983051
THS-MN                      -0.0369160175323486
UBES-K                      -0.0616680011153221
I-R8B0                      -0.0433722995221615
QIW-TQ                      -0.0785388126969337
WLL-QX                      -0.0946574136614799
BJC4-8                      -0.0451188273727894
PQA-9K                      -0.0528970509767532
S5-U0R                      -0.0380696505308151
CW-R71                      -0.0249410886317492
QO-3LC                       -0.121968403458595
3E-ER7                      -0.0745662823319435
REZ-YZ                      -0.0721649974584579
OU-AIT                       -0.114693529903889
VYX2-I                       -0.121282830834389
5-P3CQ                      -0.0958633422851562
M-FDTD                       -0.189015716314316
54-VNO                      -0.0798883512616158
IAMZ-5                      -0.0694686695933342
HD3-JK                      -0.0682587176561356
PBXG-A                      -0.0540425814688206
9-ERCP                       -0.102718286216259
KN7M-N                      -0.0403706803917885
Z-D1DW                       -0.349026262760162
FO-3PJ                       -0.435180068016052
6-QXE6                       -0.472905158996582
N-FKXV                       -0.649492383003235
X7-8IG                       -0.363307893276215
R-G1SF                       -0.459046632051468
6-NCE7                      -0.0341323539614677
WDJQ-G                      -0.0307294130325317
JS3-RS                      -0.0158829502761364
JX-T1W                      -0.0247140228748322
CZ-CED                       -0.032934807240963
BKK4-H                      -0.0499538034200668
Y-4V7U                      -0.0591418892145157
L-TPN0                      -0.0233525484800339
3-XORH                       -0.015112204477191
G1VU-H                      -0.0147986803203821
6-23NU                     -0.00815837271511555
W6H6-K                      -0.0384043678641319
DVAR-P                      -0.0217637307941914
J-JS0D                     -0.00909742899239063
VR3-PS                       -0.113017030060291
LH-J8H                       -0.217056810855865
I9D-0D                       -0.251666367053986
HGB-C6                       -0.212647467851639
2L5-FI                       -0.243961870670319
RS08-B                       -0.237915396690369
4U-14I                       -0.319995433092117
H-EDXD                       -0.321138888597488
8-ULAA                       -0.286628127098083
KF1-DU                       -0.419956088066101
W-WQM5                       -0.372308343648911
G5J-LH                       -0.535095751285553
H7OL-I                       -0.284269601106644
TO21-U                       -0.279696613550186
RN-5K9                       -0.296481102705002
0M-M64                       -0.293175399303436
8RV-1L                       -0.374929904937744
W5-SGC                       -0.266135603189468
1C-TD6                       -0.375090032815933
YBYX-1                       -0.233587816357613
2-NF2Z                      -0.0340444557368755
9-BUSQ                      -0.0162876900285482
0Z-VHC                      -0.0237028934061527
LQB-TC                      -0.0250348467379808
II-1B3                      -0.0235022939741611
6-HFD6                       -0.023295171558857
P3UD-M                      -0.0395429246127605
LCN-0V                      -0.0326638594269753
FX-XMW                       -0.020539004355669
G-N6MC                      -0.0235927775502205
7-8XK0                      -0.0312761217355728
90G-OA                       -0.033254973590374
DT-7EO                      -0.0347286909818649
B-Y06L                      -0.0666175708174706
HHQ-8L                      -0.0268727410584688
Z-KPAR                      -0.0604258887469769
8U-RZH                      -0.0204323064535856
2RV-06                      -0.0782741978764534
CLDT-L                      -0.0501328930258751
QU7-EE                      -0.0156695172190666
UC-X28                      -0.0331318415701389
R79-I7                      -0.0359952822327614
E-RPGP                      -0.0327273793518543
ZV-KZO                       -0.023214491084218
NSE-U1                      -0.0235178880393505
KER-EU                      -0.0435158349573612
69A-54                      -0.0337185300886631
M9-OS2                      -0.0248022880405188
5V-YL6                      -0.0281576048582792
8-UWFS                      -0.0126986652612686
PQWA-L                      -0.0104690920561552
BWO-UU                     -0.00838604941964149
SQVI-U                      -0.0303930323570967
T-YWDD                      -0.0450086258351803
DLY-RG                      -0.0650675743818283
T-C5A0                       -0.101223148405552
UP-L3Y                      -0.0557188428938389
F-KBNV                      -0.0457321405410767
JL-P9P                       -0.113170109689236
FR-RCH                       -0.016973627731204
FNS3-F                      -0.0213891621679068
7BA-TK                      -0.0105866957455873
IAWJ-X                      -0.0190016962587833
50-TJY                      -0.0283924639225006
3-CE1R                      -0.0211428608745337
0IRK-R                     -0.00628842134028673
XFBE-T                       -0.185925513505936
WW-KGD                       -0.179159358143806
DY-P7Q                       -0.227250784635544
Hasama                        0.271440237760544
Sosala                        0.420527428388596
S-1LIO                       -0.100362598896027
Ruerrotta                     0.305396437644958
J-RQMF                       -0.166604533791542
Imih                          0.573441803455353
New Eden                      0.260553807020187
Hykanima                       0.24685937166214
Okagaiken                     0.140077099204063
Kehjari                       0.247581392526627
Villasen                      0.140693366527557
Sarenemi                      0.216852322220802
Ashitsu                       0.264888226985931
Ienakkamon                    0.107988089323044
Korasen                       0.128991052508354
Kinakka                       0.415623009204865
Raihbaka                      0.379800200462341
Innia                         0.317138969898224
Iralaja                       0.319766879081726
Martoh                        0.382836878299713
Eha                           0.397185087203979
Pavanakka                     0.395648509263992
Uchomida                      0.494726926088333
Samanuni                      0.652784824371338
Astoh                         0.612424075603485
Onnamon                       0.555534482002258
Rohamaa                       0.504716873168945
Uuhulanen                     0.492079496383667
Tsuruma                       0.542633414268494
Ahtila                                       -1
Ichoriya                                     -1
Okkamon                       0.285363614559174
Vaaralen                      0.313497424125671
Asakai                        0.256374359130859
Prism                         0.235087230801582
Mushikegi                     0.433611959218979
Teskanen                      0.287172049283981
Elunala                       0.252598375082016
Ikoskio                       0.283312231302261
Hikkoken                      0.342755079269409
Enaluri                       0.327798038721085
Aivonen                       0.377330243587494
Hallanen                      0.364361107349396
Akidagi                       0.444938838481903
Immuri                         0.42115980386734
Nennamaila                    0.274257779121399
Hirri                         0.335504025220871
Kedama                         0.33846440911293
Notoras                       0.188790634274483
Oinasiken                     0.233713656663895
Rakapas                       0.222780376672745
Teimo                         0.273208230733871
Iwisoda                       0.238360464572906
Nisuwa                        0.309432536363602
Pynekastoh                    0.239632815122604
Reitsato                      0.189510479569435
Thera                        -0.990000009536743
J1226-0                      -0.990000009536743

Rough estimate, but why would these systems not have a security classification?

One of those ones where I never came across a use for it. May well be vestigal data.

Here is the counts of systems grouped by security classifications.

PS> $EveSystems|Group-Object -Property security_class|select @{Name='Count of systems';Expression={$_.count}} ,@{Name='security_class'; Expression={$_.name}}

Count of systems security_class
---------------- --------------
              90 A
             283 B
             389 B1
             226 B2
             117 B3
             144 C
              50 C1
               7 C2
              61 D
             234 D1
              91 D2
              56 D3
              78 E
              26 E1
             176 F
              98 F1
              72 F2
              65 F3
              37 F4
              24 F5
              15 F6
              27 F7
             292 G
              45 G1
              32 G2
              21 G3
              33 G4
              22 G5
              16 G6
              26 G7
             221 H
              68 H1
              84 H2
              50 H3
              43 H4
              39 H5
              44 H6
              30 H7
             354 I
              79 I1
              42 I2
              38 I3
              35 I4
              25 I5
               9 I6
               7 I7
             316 J
              46 J1
              29 J2
               9 J3
              11 J4
               7 J5
               5 J6
               7 J7
              63 K
              61 K1
              65 K2
              91 K3
             117 K4
             110 K5
              97 K6
              85 K7

CCP give an API with public data, CCP should provide documention on interpreting data.

It is also not marked as deprecated or obsolete.

Try to do the stats per region, maybe a pattern will emerge, or not

After a three way join of systems, constellations and regions collections…

PS> $eveuniverse |select security_class, R_name|Group-Object -Property security_class|select -Property @{N = 'Count of Regions'; E = {$_.count}}, @{N = 'security_class'; E = {$_.name}}

Count of Regions security_class
---------------- --------------
              90 A
             283 B
             389 B1
             226 B2
             117 B3
             144 C
              50 C1
               7 C2
              61 D
             234 D1
              91 D2
              56 D3
              78 E
              26 E1
             176 F
              98 F1
              72 F2
              65 F3
              37 F4
              24 F5
              15 F6
              27 F7
             292 G
              45 G1
              32 G2
              21 G3
              33 G4
              22 G5
              16 G6
              26 G7
             221 H
              68 H1
              84 H2
              50 H3
              43 H4
              39 H5
              44 H6
              30 H7
             354 I
              79 I1
              42 I2
              38 I3
              35 I4
              25 I5
               9 I6
               7 I7
             316 J
              46 J1
              29 J2
               9 J3
              11 J4
               7 J5
               5 J6
               7 J7
              63 K
              61 K1
              65 K2
              91 K3
             117 K4
             110 K5
              97 K6
              85 K7

Looks the same.

After joining the systems, constellations and regions…

PS> $eveuniverse |select security_class, R_name -Unique|Group-Object -Property security_class|select -Property @{N = 'Count of Regions'; E = {$_.count}}, @{N = 'security_class'; E = {$_.name}}

Count of Regions security_class
---------------- --------------
              15 A
              20 B
              11 B1
              10 B2
              11 B3
               4 C
               4 C1
               2 C2
               3 D
              10 D1
               7 D2
               6 D3
               3 E
               4 E1
               7 F
               7 F1
               7 F2
               7 F3
               7 F4
               6 F5
               7 F6
               6 F7
               6 G
               6 G1
               6 G2
               5 G3
               5 G4
               5 G5
               4 G6
               5 G7
               7 H
               7 H1
               7 H2
               7 H3
               7 H4
               7 H5
               7 H6
               6 H7
               7 I
               7 I1
               6 I2
               5 I3
               5 I4
               5 I5
               4 I6
               3 I7
               6 J
               6 J1
               6 J2
               2 J3
               2 J4
               2 J5
               3 J6
               2 J7
               8 K
               8 K1
               8 K2
               8 K3
               8 K4
               8 K5
               8 K6
               8 K7

Ignore last post, cannot delete or edit it, max edits reached.

With the region names…

PS>  $eveuniverse |select security_class, @{N = 'Region Name'; E = {$_.R_name}} -Unique     

security_class Region Name
-------------- -----------
B              Derelik
B1             Derelik
B2             Derelik
B3             Derelik
B3             Pochven
C              The Forge
B              The Forge
A              The Forge
C              Pochven
C1             The Forge
C1             Pochven
C2             The Forge
H              Vale of the Silent
H1             Vale of the Silent
H2             Vale of the Silent
H3             Vale of the Silent
               Vale of the Silent
H5             Vale of the Silent
H4             Vale of the Silent
H6             Vale of the Silent
H7             Vale of the Silent
F1             Detorid
F2             Detorid
F4             Detorid
F6             Detorid
F              Detorid
F3             Detorid
F5             Detorid
F7             Detorid
I              Wicked Creek
I1             Wicked Creek
I2             Wicked Creek
I3             Wicked Creek
I4             Wicked Creek
I5             Wicked Creek
F              Cache
F7             Cache
F3             Cache
F1             Cache
F2             Cache
F4             Cache
F6             Cache
I              Scalding Pass
I3             Scalding Pass
I1             Scalding Pass
I2             Scalding Pass
I4             Scalding Pass
I6             Scalding Pass
I5             Scalding Pass
I7             Scalding Pass
F              Insmother
F2             Insmother
F1             Insmother
F3             Insmother
F5             Insmother
F4             Insmother
F6             Insmother
F7             Insmother
H1             Tribute
H              Tribute
H2             Tribute
H3             Tribute
H4             Tribute
H5             Tribute
H6             Tribute
I              Great Wildlands
I2             Great Wildlands
I5             Great Wildlands
I4             Great Wildlands
I6             Great Wildlands
I7             Great Wildlands
I3             Great Wildlands
I1             Great Wildlands
I              Curse
I1             Curse
K2             Malpais
K1             Malpais
K              Malpais
K4             Malpais
K5             Malpais
K6             Malpais
K7             Malpais
K3             Malpais
I1             Catch
I              Catch
I2             Catch
I3             Catch
I5             Catch
I4             Catch
I6             Catch
I7             Catch
H              Venal
H1             Venal
H2             Venal
H3             Venal
H7             Venal
H5             Venal
H4             Venal
H6             Venal
C1             Lonetrek
C              Lonetrek
B              Lonetrek
A              Lonetrek
B              Pochven
C2             Lonetrek
K4             The Spire
K3             The Spire
K6             The Spire
K7             The Spire
K5             The Spire
K2             The Spire
K1             The Spire
K              The Spire
B1             Tash-Murkon
B              Tash-Murkon
B2             Tash-Murkon
A              Tash-Murkon
B3             Tash-Murkon
K2             Outer Passage
K1             Outer Passage
K3             Outer Passage
K              Outer Passage
K4             Outer Passage
K5             Outer Passage
K6             Outer Passage
K7             Outer Passage
G1             Stain
G              Stain
G2             Stain
J              Pure Blind
J1             Pure Blind
J2             Pure Blind
               Pure Blind
D1             Metropolis
E              Metropolis
E1             Metropolis
E1             Pochven
I4             Immensea
I1             Immensea
I              Immensea
I2             Immensea
I3             Immensea
I5             Immensea
I6             Immensea
B              Domain
A              Domain
B1             Domain
B2             Domain
K4             Etherium Reach
K5             Etherium Reach
K1             Etherium Reach
K3             Etherium Reach
K6             Etherium Reach
K2             Etherium Reach
K7             Etherium Reach
K              Etherium Reach
D1             Molden Heath
E              Molden Heath
E1             Molden Heath
D              Molden Heath
H              Geminate
H1             Geminate
H2             Geminate
H3             Geminate
H4             Geminate
H5             Geminate
H6             Geminate
H7             Geminate
A              Heimatar
D1             Heimatar
D              Heimatar
E              Heimatar
E1             Heimatar
F2             Impass
F3             Impass
F1             Impass
F              Impass
F4             Impass
F5             Impass
F6             Impass
B              Sinq Laison
D1             Sinq Laison
D2             Sinq Laison
D1             Pochven
D2             Pochven
A              Sinq Laison
D3             Sinq Laison
C              The Citadel
C1             The Citadel
B              The Citadel
               The Citadel
A              The Citadel
K2             The Kalevala Expanse
K1             The Kalevala Expanse
K3             The Kalevala Expanse
K              The Kalevala Expanse
K5             The Kalevala Expanse
K6             The Kalevala Expanse
K4             The Kalevala Expanse
K7             The Kalevala Expanse
H              Deklein
H2             Deklein
H4             Deklein
H5             Deklein
H6             Deklein
H7             Deklein
H3             Deklein
H1             Deklein
B2             Devoid
B3             Devoid
B1             Devoid
B              Devoid
D1             Everyshore
B              Everyshore
D2             Everyshore
A              Everyshore
D3             Everyshore
B2             The Bleak Lands
B1             The Bleak Lands
B              The Bleak Lands
               The Bleak Lands
B3             The Bleak Lands
G              Esoteria
G1             Esoteria
G3             Esoteria
G2             Esoteria
G4             Esoteria
G6             Esoteria
G5             Esoteria
G7             Esoteria
K              Oasa
K1             Oasa
K2             Oasa
K3             Oasa
K4             Oasa
K5             Oasa
K6             Oasa
K7             Oasa
J              Syndicate
J1             Syndicate
J2             Syndicate
A              Metropolis
D              Metropolis
B3             Domain
B1             Pochven
D2             Solitude
D3             Solitude
D1             Solitude
B              Solitude
H              Tenal
H1             Tenal
H2             Tenal
H5             Tenal
H7             Tenal
H4             Tenal
H6             Tenal
H3             Tenal
J1             Fade
J2             Fade
J              Fade
J3             Fade
J4             Fade
I              Providence
I1             Providence
I2             Providence
D3             Placid
D1             Placid
D2             Placid
B              Placid
B              Khanid
B1             Khanid
B2             Khanid
B3             Khanid
G2             Querious
G1             Querious
G              Querious
G4             Querious
G3             Querious
G5             Querious
G6             Querious
G7             Querious
J              Cloud Ring
J1             Cloud Ring
J6             Cloud Ring
J2             Cloud Ring
B1             Kador
B              Kador
B2             Kador
B3             Kador
K3             Cobalt Edge
K2             Cobalt Edge
K              Cobalt Edge
K4             Cobalt Edge
K1             Cobalt Edge
K5             Cobalt Edge
K7             Cobalt Edge
K6             Cobalt Edge
B2             Aridia
B3             Aridia
B1             Aridia
B              Aridia
H              Branch
H1             Branch
H2             Branch
H3             Branch
H5             Branch
H7             Branch
H4             Branch
H6             Branch
F3             Feythabolis
F2             Feythabolis
F4             Feythabolis
F1             Feythabolis
F              Feythabolis
F7             Feythabolis
F5             Feythabolis
F6             Feythabolis
J              Outer Ring
J1             Outer Ring
J2             Outer Ring
J5             Outer Ring
J6             Outer Ring
J7             Outer Ring
J              Fountain
J1             Fountain
J2             Fountain
J3             Fountain
J5             Fountain
J6             Fountain
J4             Fountain
J7             Fountain
G              Paragon Soul
G1             Paragon Soul
G7             Paragon Soul
G3             Paragon Soul
G2             Paragon Soul
G4             Paragon Soul
G5             Paragon Soul
G              Delve
G1             Delve
G3             Delve
G2             Delve
G5             Delve
G6             Delve
G7             Delve
G4             Delve
F              Tenerifis
F1             Tenerifis
F2             Tenerifis
F3             Tenerifis
F4             Tenerifis
F5             Tenerifis
F6             Tenerifis
F7             Tenerifis
F              Omist
F1             Omist
F2             Omist
F3             Omist
F4             Omist
F5             Omist
F6             Omist
F7             Omist
G              Period Basis
G1             Period Basis
G2             Period Basis
G3             Period Basis
G6             Period Basis
G7             Period Basis
G4             Period Basis
G5             Period Basis
A              Essence
B              Essence
D1             Essence
D2             Essence
D3             Essence
B2             Kor-Azor
B1             Kor-Azor
B              Kor-Azor
A              Kor-Azor
B3             Kor-Azor
K5             Perrigen Falls
K3             Perrigen Falls
K4             Perrigen Falls
K2             Perrigen Falls
K6             Perrigen Falls
K7             Perrigen Falls
K1             Perrigen Falls
K              Perrigen Falls
B1             Genesis
B2             Genesis
B              Genesis
A              Genesis
B3             Genesis
D2             Verge Vendor
D3             Verge Vendor
B              Verge Vendor
A              Verge Vendor
D1             Verge Vendor
A              Pochven
A              Kador
               Black Rise

Regions that have some systems with no security_class…

PS> $eveuniverse| where {!$_.security_class} |select security_class, @{N = 'Region Name'; E = {$_.R_name}} -Unique

security_class Region Name
-------------- -----------
               Vale of the Silent
               Pure Blind
               The Citadel
               The Bleak Lands
               Black Rise

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