Tackling hate speech, fostering mutual respect and countering the tyranny of the majority

That’s why I changed it, I realized that was a mistake.

That’s paradoxical. Because you do not decide who gives up their freedom of speech. They give it up themselves. Telling them to do that is using freedom of speech to promote its reduction, which according to you should be wrong.

Go into the game, go into the rookie help channel, where you belong, and look at someone screaming on the top of their lungs how CCP ruined the game. I challenge you to not block him, but send him a paragraph of text describing his wrongdoings and challenge his free speech.

Hey, that’s limiting my freedom of changing my speech.

Tell me how it works. Or I’ll reply to your next post: “that’s not how something something works!”.

Alright OP I see your point. It’s annoying arguing with these trolls (but interesting nevertheless).

“Every part of eve is PVP, even the forums.”


Good job, you have 70% efficiency.


Good job, you’re trying to gas huff in places where there’s no gas. I ninja gas huffed before I came to incursions, got more isk/h now.

Good job, you attacked PIRAT (actually good job though, attacking PIRAT), but you did it with 100 people. Maybe that’s how you got your efficiency?

Ouch, you died. Wait… where’s the scram? OOH. Maybe you were too busy AFK to notice that your ship was blowing up, didn’t even run away. I can’t thank you for beating PIRAT, because maybe you didn’t do anything!

Good job, you solo killed a interceptor, one of the glassiest of frigates, with a thrasher! Look at his high slots, a festival launcher! It must have been a hard fight for you, being solo and all that.

Good job, you drove a capsule into Tama…

Gasp! Is that a smartbomb?

I can do kb stuff too, just too lazy.

“You only lost for one reason, which is, you made me very very angry…” ゴゴゴゴゴ

I’m here to argue anonymously on the Internet. Surely, that will change some minds.


Interesting point. Are you? How? You’re not anonymous, you’re Norrin. Hey Norrin! (He’s my colleague, I bully him)

None of that is true, or is it? Now, that’s anonymous.


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Made me spit my coffee on my tablet

I’m just linking evewho and killboards to save time.

You’re an uneducated fool. When there are people who promote censorship, then they don’t want freedom of speech. That’s what people do who suggest ignoring others, that’s also what people like the OP does, in the name of hurt feelings and good manners.

Voices who abuse their freedom of speech to promote its abolishment automatically give up their right to free speech.

Tolerance does not include tolerating the intolerant, otherwise they will overrun us. If you had any ■■■■■■■ clue about how this ■■■■ works you’d be crawling back from under that bed you came from. Tolerance doesn’t mean accepting every- and anything from people who follow some arbitrarily created “code of conduct”, “moral compass” or whatever. Tolerance means dealing with the fact that people are different, say different things, say nigger, say cripples, that people have feelings you might not like. It’s just words! Words for fucks sake!

The situation roughly starts as follows:

Asshole demands people stop saying something because it hurts him and supposedly many others who don’t seem to speak up for themselves, yet apparently have problems.

The government reacts to the cries of the loud, media supported, hypocrit minority, and declares saying it is illegal.

Idiots like yourself think that’s done with it, but that’s not how this works. You know why? No, you don’t. I’ll tell you! It doesn’t work like this, because the bar is being set arbitrarily. In other words that means that no matter how high the bar is, there will always be someone who demands it to be higher. To that new guy it’s simply not enough.

The less hardships, the softer people grow. The softer people grow, the more hardships they see and the more they want hardships banned.

The end result, translated to freedom of speech, is a huge amount of people who do not dare talking to each other, because they can never know who might feel offended about something. The end result is policing of speech in the name of potentially hurt feelings.

Don’t believe it? Just look at the socially already completely ■■■■■■ up US of A.

■■■■ off.


WHOOLY ■■■■ GROUP CUDDLING! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This is probably the most important part of this whole thread and also explains why the thread is bad in so many ways.


Thank you.

“Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one.”

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Intellectuals! Ewwww! -.-

You‘re a looser man.
You got owned by sexy.


How are you linking KBs to save time? Save time that would be spent on what? Telling people that they don’t know anything about eve? Yeah probably, thing is, maybe you aren’t as experience as I am and you just link your really bloated billboard coming from 100+char kills which you did no contribution in and call it experience. I tell from MY experience that you ninja gas mine, which is less profitable than what I do, incursions.

Nice logic

You automatically give up your life when you argue with me, saying it isn’t going to make it come true.

Everything else I agree with. Actually.

Thank you!

linking zkillboard is so pointless. I know I’m ■■■■ at the game!

Have you ever heard of Inoculation theory?

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Aren’t you asking for a bit much?

It’s amazing to see how these threads always descend into drivel. It seems most people don’t understand nuance. “Either you have freedom of speech or you have censorship”. It’s so stupid. We had some fairly intelligent comments at the start, from both perspectives, but I can see it’s come off the rails a bit now. Didn’t take long.

You write a post that is thoughtful, requesting other peoples’ thoughts and then they try to say that you are shutting people down and stifling free speech, it’s hilarious to hear the extreme ideologues getting aggressive when the original message was calm and rational. Not doing yourselves a favor, but then why would you care?! Well done to everyone who was able to respond by using at least one brain cell.

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that’s quite a complicated topic that would take us down a rabbit hole, but interesting. Seems to be quite closely connected to confirmation bias, which is something to be avoided. We should be prepared to challenge our own beliefs, not just use debate to strengthen our resistance to new ideas. That’s what freedom of speech is supposed to be about. Let the morons spout hate speech because eventually the general debate will shut them down. Well democratic theory didn’t take into account the social media bubbles we have nowadays. These days I’m not sure if debate will ultimately uncover truth.

My original aim was to chat about methods of controlling hate speech in corps, and we got a few contributions that were relevant. I think we’ve reached the end of productive debate here now.